The Datebook Spring 2017 | Page 23


KILIMANJARO TREK – MACHAME TRAIL Africa ( 16th -26th ). This is your chance to trek the mighty Mount Kilimanjaro , Africa ’ s highest mountain – a magnet for trekkers and climbers the world over . This challenging trek takes you along the beautiful Machame route that approaches Kilimanjaro from the south , through dense tropical rainforest all the way up to the mighty snow capped summit at 5,895m for simply breathtaking views . This is a tough but spectacularly rewarding route . On reaching the summit you will feel a sense of overwhelming achievement , a truly unforgettable challenge . In aid of Combat Stress . E-mail : georgina . brookes @ combatstress . org . uk Tel : 01372 587147 .


CHILCOT : SIX MONTHS ON Army & Navy Club , London , 7pm . In summer 2016 , the Chilcot Report was published examining whether it was right to send British forces into the Iraq war in 2003 . The report addressed the decision-making of the UK government , the military leadership and the reality of the threat posed by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein . Price : £ 10 . A panel of experts discuss the impact of the report . Dr . Huw J Davies , Christopher Elliot , Emma Graham-Harrison and Professor Sandra Halperin . Organised by the National Army Museum . Reservations Necessary . E-mail : info @ nam . ac . uk Tel : 020 7730 0717


Goldsmiths ’ Hall , London . A close up , fine dining experience like no other . Dining with the Stars is the Bobby Moore Fund ’ s fine dining experience where guests will enjoy five Michelin-starred courses and support the Bobby Moore Fund ’ s plight in fighting bowel cancer at this prestigious evening . Price : tables of 10 , £ 5,000 . Tel : Emily Eveleigh , 020 3469 6205 . E-mail : emily . eveleigh @ cancer . org . uk


AN EVENING OF CRICKET The Long Room , Lord ’ s Cricket Ground , 7pm to 11pm .
An evening of cricket and conversation . An exclusive opportunity to hear from the great 1980 ’ s England Cricket Captain , David Gower OBE covering the highlights of his notable career , including his most distinguishing years as England Captain . There will also be the opportunity to put forward your questions . Price : £ 275 ; Premier Table £ 3,500 . In aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care . E-mail : amelia . barrett @ mariecurie . org . uk Tel : 020 7091 4190


A VENETIAN CARNIVAL Westminster Cathedral Hall , London , 7pm . A Black Tie dinner to celebrate the lions of Westminster Cathedral carved in homage to the lions of St Mark ’ s Venice . Price : £ 85 of which £ 40 will be a donation to the Friends @ 40 Anniversary Appeal . Champagne reception at 7pm ; dinner at 8pm . Tel : 020 7798 9059 . www . westminstercathedral . org . uk


Battersea Evolution , London . An extraordinary evening of exquisite feasting and exhilarating live performances . Hosted by Ronan Keating , who is joined by 450 guests including friends , family , celebrities , VIPs and senior figures from industry ’ s leading companies . The Ball is punctuated by exclusive live performances and we have previously welcomed Alexandra Burke , Leone Lewis , Gary Barlow and Ronan himself to the stage . In aid of Cancer Research UK . Tables of 10 , £ 6,000 . Tel : Isabel Duce , 020 3469 8865 . E-mail : Isabel . duce @ cancer . org . uk


CONQUER THE BROADGATE TOWER Broadgate Tower , London , 10am to 3pm . Climb to the top of London ’ s impressive Broadgate Tower in this sponsored stair climb with almost 1,000 steps and a panoramic view of London at the top . This is a great way to keep your healthy New Year ’ s resolution on track . Anticipated climbers 75 . In aid of Action on Hearing Loss . Price : £ 20 . E-mail : jennifer . clay @ hearingloss . org . uk Tel : 020 7296 8172 .


Brighton . Now in its 27th year , this fantastic half marathon is one of the longestestablished and most popular seaside challenges in the country . If you want to get hot and sweaty while taking in some stunning sea views , this is the perfect challenge for you . Price : Registration £ 25 ; Minimum Sponsorship £ 200 . In aid of Terrence Higgins Trust . E-mail : fundraising @ tht . org . uk


FOOLS CELEBRITY CRICKET MATCH Teddington Cricket Club . A light hearted competitive match in aid of The Royal Marsden Hospital . Details from Mandie @ davidadamsleukaemiaapeal . org Tel : 020 8891 2221


FIREWALK IN LONDON Southbank , London , 6pm to 8pm . No tricks , no special effects – just you and the fire . Supported by professional firewalkers , you ’ ll walk across 15 feet of red-hot wood embers . You won ’ t feel any pain – but will experience a warm glow for helping raise vital funds . 50 walkers anticipated . Price : £ 20 . In aid of Action on Hearing Loss . E-mail : jennifer . clay @ hearingloss . org . uk Tel : 020 7296 8172


ACCESS THE AVRO VULCAN RAF Museum London . Climb into the magnificent Avro Vulcan and witness the interior – a rare opportunity for any Vulcan fan . Your experience will last 15 minutes . Once you have arrived a member of the museum team will talk to you through the access before you ascend the first ladder . Once inside the crew area you will have the opportunity to take photos and ask as many questions as you like . After this , if you are able you will climb the last ladder which leads you into the cockpit where you will take the pilots seat . Organised by the Royal Airforce Museum . Price : £ 30 plus 50p booking fee . Also available on 28th March , 25th April and 30th May . E-mail : london @ rafmuseum . org Tel : 020 8205 2266 .
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