The Datebook Spring 2017 | Page 22

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS A Month-by-Month Guide to Events Around the Country


Until 17 April PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST The Queen ’ s Gallery , Buckingham Palace . This first-ever exhibition to focus on images of artists in the Royal Collection includes both self-portraits by world-renowned painters , such as Rembrandt van Rijin , Peter Paul Rubens , Artemisia Gentileschi , Lucian Freud and David Hockney and representations of artists by their friends and pupils . Tel : 0303 123 7301 . www . royalcollection . org . uk
Until 31 December 2020 FIRST WORLD WAR IN THE AIR RAF Museum , London . Eleven years after the first powered flight , aviation emerged as a force capable of changing the face of battle . In 1914 the Royal Flying Corps numbered just 1,500 people . By 1915 when the Royal Air Force was created this had grown to more than 205000 . The full strategic value of air power had become all too evident – both on the battlefield and on the Home Front . This compelling story of the First World War in the Air is revealed in a award-winning exhibition in the Claude Grahame-White Hangar which is now open to the public . Tel : 020 8205 2266 . www . london @ rafmuseum . org
Until 31 December 2017 1920 ’ s JAZZ AGE : FASHION AND PHOTOGRAPHS A glittering display of over 150 haute couture and ready-to-wear garments from 1919-1929 . JOYCE PETSCHEK : BREAKING THE PATTERN A Fabulous collection of colorful and inspiring woven works from the American designer . On display for the first time in Britain . American Museum in Britain , Claverton Manor , Bath . E-mail : enquiries @ americanmuseum . org Tel : 01225 460503
RED TALKS LIVE Various Locations Across London . Our writers , Medics and Adventurers have all been touched by the largest humanitarian organization in the world . The Red Cross Red Talks is a rich public program of speakers , photographs and film presented by these story tellers across London . Price : £ 10 . Organised by British Red Cross . Tel : Clare Conroy , 020 7877 7603 . E-mail : cconroy @ redcross . org . uk


CITY OF LONDON DINNER Painters Hall , London . The annual Co-operation Ireland Dinner with James Stevenson , Managing Director of the Chesterfield Group , as Chair for this year ’ s event . With Brexit and the border issues top of mind , we have the pleasure of welcoming back guest speakers Joe Lynam , BBC Business Correspondent , and Ian Paisley Jr . MP . Tel : 028 9089 1004 . E-mail : worr @ cooperationireland . org


ORCHIDS FESTIVAL 2017 Royal Botanical Gardens , Kew until 5th March . This February , chase away the winter blues and become immersed in an Indian celebration of vibrant colours , culture and magnificent plant life inside the tropical paradise of Kew Gardens ’ Princess of Wales Conservatory . As well as the usual visual displays , sounds of India will surround the senses as visitors enter the steamy glasshouse . E-mail : pr @ kew . org Tel : 020 8332 5607 .


LUNCHTIME LECTURE Royal Marsden Education and Conference Centre , London . How First World War Stretcher Bearers Changed Medicine Forever is the title of this Lecture . Dr . Emily Mayhew explains how without these ‘ First Responders ’ we would have no Combat Medical Technicians ( CMT ) , no Medical Emergency Response Team ( MERT ) and even no paramedics in our civilian trauma provision . Organised by the National Army Museum . Reservations Necessary . Tel : 020 7730 0717 . E-mail : info @ nam . ac . uk


Royal Botanical Gardens , Kew . After the success of the 2016 Kew Lates evenings , the Princess of Wales Conservatory will once again throw open its doors after dark for a series of intimate evenings amongst the hundreds and thousands of orchids and tropical flowers on display . Experience an evening like no other with immersive sounds from electric violinist Jyotsna Srikanth , botanical cocktails , inspiring talks and interactive workshops . Lates will be opened Thursday 9 , 16 & 23 February and 2 March ; Tuesday 14 , 21 & 28 February . 6pm to 9.30pm . Price : £ 15 ; £ 13.50 for Members . E-mail : pr @ kew . org . Tel : 020 8332 5607 .


MAKE-A-WISH UK VALENTINES BALL The Dorchester , London . Join us on one of the most romantic nights of the year for an evening of fabulous entertainment and great company raising money to grant magical wishes . Dress : Black Tie . 400 guests anticipated . Chairman is Leslie Rose OBE . Price : £ 275 . In aid of Make-A-Wish Foundation . Tel : 01276 405079 . E-mail : lucy . tallis @ makeawish . org . uk


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CHILLY DIP Hampstead Heath , London , 12.30pm to 2.30pm . Brave the February chill and dip into an un-heated outdoor pool to raise money for Haven House . It ’ s the ultimate winter challenge where you will be able to not only dip in but swim one to five lengths of the pool . Price : Registration £ 15 ; Minimum Sponsorship £ 100 . Tel : Joanne Lazarus , 020 8498 5849 . www . havenhouse . org . uk / Event / chillydip

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