The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 19

Skin Tight by Gina Easton Alex Greenway straightened up from the bathroom sink and peered at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were bleary looking, even though he'd gotten a good night's sleep for once. Alex shook his head in mild disgust. He couldn't keep taking the sleeping pills. While it was true that they allowed him much-needed rest, they left him feeling dull and sluggish when he awoke, sensations which often lasted well into the day. Alex knew he couldn't risk losing the sharpness of his faculties. He needed to have all his wits about him if he were to outsmart and defeat the Enemy. That's how he thought of it. In capital letters. The Adversary, the Foe. Something that seemed so innocuous, that everyone took for granted, accepted as part of themselves. Not Alex. He knew the truth. And horrible as it was, for the sake of his sanity and his life, he understood that he must confront It. Alex concentrated on his image in the mirror, examining his face closely. Looking for any tell-tale signs, marks or blemishes that hadn't been there the day before. When he was satisfied that his face looked more or less the same, he let out a long, relieved breath. He stepped back from the mirror and began to systematically inspect his naked body. Magnifying glass and flashlight in hand he searched for evidence that the Enemy was busy at work trying to destroy him. He painstakingly scanned every inch of his flesh, totally focused on the task at hand. 17