diamond head split and the heart was taken into its depths.
A cold whisper tinkled in the back of the cave, like liquid
from some deep hidden spring in the depths of the world.
Problem-Solver listened intently, but could not make out
the utterance.
Suddenly, a loud baying came up from the depths
of the cave, splitting the air and racing to every corner of
the canyon. The Agreement was finalized once again.
Relieved, Problem-Solver immediately turned tail
and took off from the crag, not wishing to stay any longer
than she had to. She flew out towards the rising sun,
cawing news of the continued Agreement to the canyon
below, a herald echoing the proclamation already issued.
With an eager lust, the animals fell upon the child, feasting
on the innards.
Leilani Ahia is a horror enthusiast. She lives out her mortal days in
Kansas City with her wife and two cats. She remains in contact with
this dimension via her twitter.