The Dark Sire Issue 4 (Summer 2020) | Page 17

Problem-Solver veered down towards the peak where it lived. She had never been to the secret place, but she knew it like she knew the smell of the canyon after rain, the air current that would lead her back to her nest, and the curve of all of her children’s wings. She dropped out of the current and plunged down to the crag outside of the cave where it made its nest. Landing softly on the cool, shaded rocks, she hopped gingerly towards the entrance of the cave and laid the child’s heart in the dirt. It was small and the blood around it was congealing, turning from bright red to muddy brown. She hopped back immediately after setting it forth, sitting at the edge of the crag. She ruffled her feathers, not relishing the task of ensuring the offering was accepted. From the cave came the sound of shifting fur as it crawled out through the oozing muck and into the light. A dripping talon reached forth from the mouth of the cave to retrieve the heart from the dust, pulling it back into the wet darkness towards the diamond shaped head that would swallow it whole. Problem-Solver waited on the crag, her head low, ready to take off, hoping the Agreement would be continued. The canyon had never been without an Agreement, and Problem-Solver scratched at the dirt as she heard another rock crash to the ground behind her. She went through the ritual in her head and found no faults, but the silence caused Problem-Solver to doubt herself. Peering into the darkness, Problem-Solver could see a tongue flicker forth to lap at the blood on the tiny heart. A low rattle came up from the depths of the cave and Problem-Solver shrank into herself. Suddenly, the 15