it does not mean that it is true nor does the end result have to be true for the justification to be reasonable. For example person A is friends with person B and person B has admired car racing since they were young and were one of the first people to get their driving license. Person A knowing these things about person B believes that person B wants to become a race car driver, in reality person B wants to become a police officer.
Having known person B’s interests for a while person A’s justification for why they thought their friend wanted to become a race car driver, their belief had a possibility of being true regardless their belief happened to turn out to be false. Of course just because someone believes that their justification makes sense it does not necessarily mean that it does in fact make sense. in that it is not enough to make a logical speculation to get to the truth without any prior knowledge. For example person A met person B for the first time on a Wednesday and on that day person B was wearing a red shirt. Person then comes to the conclusion that every Wednesday person B must wear a red shirt. Person A has no prior knowledge of person B since this is the first time both people have met the justification that has stemmed from this situation holds no liable proof and is not very probable in other words it does not work.