The Current: EPI's Newsletter Fall 2017 EPI Newsletter | Page 2

Strength in Diversity L E A R N I N G F R O M N AT U R E : D I V E R S I T Y I N T H E E P I ECO S Y S T E M Biological diversity is the variety of life in a particular place, and it’s vital for strong, healthy ecosystems on Earth. When an ecosystem is more biologically diverse, it’s more productive, sustainable, and better able to respond to change. The planet’s ecosystems work together to ensure the survival of all. Replicating nature, EPI’s organizational ecosystem also thrives from diversity - from the communities where we work to our students, board, staff, and donors. When people with diverse interests and cultures bring their knowledge and efforts together for conservation and education, the power of our efforts multiplies. There is strength in diversity. DIVERSITY IN STAFF Staff and instructors are an elemental piece of our diverse EPI ecosystem. They are the connective tissue between our EPI geographies, programs, and students. They represent a multitude of communities, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and cultures. They are 67% female, and 85% are local to the program country they’re working in. They have degrees in education, biology, accounting, and the humanities. They are dog people. They are cat people. They range in age from 21 to 64. Together, they gather to learn, grow, and change the world through a shared vision of a future strengthened by diversity. C O N S E R VAT I O N • E D U C AT I O N • C U LT U R A L E X C H A N G E