The CSU Saber - 2013-2014 Aug. 14, 2013 | Page 7

The Uptown initiative to rejuvenate the downtown area has expanded. Encompassing both the 1000 and 1100 blocks, local vendors and artists come together to sell their wares. The original plan to bolster the local economy seems to be succeeding as Market Days has blossomed into a thriving Saturday morning tradition. Every Saturday morning, 8 to 12, membership-paying vendors set up their stalls and sell a variety of goods, from homegrown produce to hand made accessories and works of art made by local artists. PAWS Humane sets up an adoption center in the median, bouncy houses are available free for the smaller kids and musicians often play on an outdoor stage. This event is free to attend. Show your support for your community and drop by. Market Days Expand Columbus State University | The Saber Local&World Hannah Davis Aug 14, 2013 | 7 Arts and Entertainment Editor World News in Brief Hannah Davis Arts and Entertainment Editor Japan: A ceremony held on Tuesday, August 6 celebrates the launching of Japan’s largest warship since World War II. Though the warship is 820-feet-long and has a 19,500-ton flattop capable of carrying 14 helicopters, the ship is not to be used as an aircraft car ?Y\?[???\?Y?][???Y?\??]?Y[Y[??H??H?\??[?Y[Y[?\??[]K?[?\?[X]Y ??\?X?YZ[][??]?H?Y[??[Y[?\??[????YZ??[Y\?X?[??]^?[??\?H\??Y?]??Y?]?[?\?\?XK??\??XN?YH?[??[??\?H???[??\?K?[XH?[??[??[[Z]?]][?[??Y[??[?Y?[??K??Y?\?[?H\?[???[?\??X?\?H[??[???[??Y??X?H???H?[\X??[Y\???\??YZ?[?\??B?[YH?Y\??H???\?[?]\?[?\?[H??X\?H??]?]Y?\[?H?\?[? ?]][????^H]Y?\? L? NNL H?YH[??X????\???\??H?[XZ[????H?H\??\?[?[????\]H\?[????]\?\??^??[]?? NM?KHX\??\?X[?H?Y?[??????X?[??H?\?[??[ NN H]?ZZH??X[H[??^Y?H[?]Y?]\?]Y?\? L? ML?KH^?X??\][?[????0?\? NNKH\?X??[??Y]?????\???? NM ?H\?^x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˜ ????[??Y[H8?$?XZ[??[\\??H]Y?\? NH8?$?X?[X?\? ?[?^KY\?^H ?\??^H L? K?K?8?$? ??? ?K??Y?\?^H L? K?K?8?$? ?  ?K???Y^H LN? K?K?8?$? ??  ?K??[?^H????X??\?H ??  ?K?8?$??  ?K???CH0???