The Crest July 2015 | Page 30

Study Tips

Whether you're studying for an exam, or you just want to improve your grades, here are some study tips which may help you in your journey:

Get plenty of sleep. You should sleep for around 8-10 hours a night. Sleep is as important as the water you drink and the food you eat. Skipping sleep can make you moody and perform poorly in school. Lack of sleep can limit your ability to learn, listen and take in and remember important information. It can also lead to aggressive behaviour to your friends or family. The first step to being able to study effectively is to sleep well.

Be attentive in class. Make the most of your lessons. Absorb as much as you can so that when you study, you’ll have less to cover. Listen to your teacher and take note of what they have to say. They may give out hints as to what may be on the exam.

Make it fun. Sometimes studying by yourself can be boring, so arrange study groups. Find a time and place to meet each other. Studying in a group isn’t just fun, but can also help you learn better. When you teach a friend something, you remember it a lot clearer. Furthermore, if you’re ever struggling with an equation or question, then you can ask a friend for help.

"Sleep is as important as the water you drink and the food you eat."