The Creed Magazine (Sept. 2018) TCM Magazine (Sept.) | Page 55

commercial vehicle opens you to various audiences – atheists, tra- ditionalists, Moslems, Buddhists, etc. Twice, while preaching, I was attacked spiritually. In both cases, they were like abrupt sharp pains in my chest area. In both cases, I just rounded up my message. I gave it a prayer treatment and I was back on duty the following morn- ing. The word of God has already assured me that, I’ll “trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and noth- ing by any means shall hurt me”. (Insert verse). Once again howev- er, we are assured that, “no weap- on fashion against us shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise up against us shall be brought into judgment.” (Isaiah 54:17). The ad- monishments: “put on the whole amour of God” and “pray that you enter not into temptations” are real warnings to be heeded by the Christian soldier. Once those di- rectives are adhered to, you can be rest assured that the best arse- nals of the evil one and his cohorts cannot achieve their intended evil. other times some commuters who want a quite ride to their destina- tions will take you on for “disturb- ing their peace”. Others will even accuse you of spraying spittle on them. Once, a driver was offend- ed that I didn’t seek his permission to preach aboard his vehicle so he