The Creed Magazine (Sept. 2018) TCM Magazine (Sept.) | Page 54

of our Lord held out for me until I to be led by the Holy Spirit to join obediently hearkened to His voice. a vehicle where I share the gospel with passengers on board the ve- hicle and give them the opportuni- TCM: So how did you start off? SP: I took off with GHS 100 in my ty to accept the Lord Jesus Christ accounts, out of which I bought a as their Lord and personal Savior. megaphone for dawn broadcasts in neighborhoods. I moved into TCM: So are you able to know who markets and presently, I preach in among the commuters made a commercial vehicles doing short confession of the Lordship of Je- distances from one end of town to sus Christ? the other. All the while I wait on SP: That’s difficult to know. My the Lord to be directed where He style is to preach the word the Holy Spirit lays on my heart. I give wants me to go next. a general invitation for salvation TCM: How does your typical day and lead them in a prayer of con- start? fession. I leave the actual decision SP: My day begins at half past mid- making to the good Lord. night when I pray until 2:30am, after which I study the bible fol- TCM: What are some of the chal- lowed by morning devotion at my lenges in commercial vehicle min- local church till 5:30am. From the istration? morning devotion, I allow myself SP: A whole lot. Preaching in a