The Creed Magazine (Sept. 2018) TCM Magazine (Sept.) | Page 33

SGQ: Well, doubts. Doubts are ev- erywhere and they come in vari- ous forms. There was this time Riley wasn’t feeling well and I didn’t have money for the med- ication. Guess what, I gave him communion wine and poured some on him. He recovered and looked healthier than the neigh- bor’s dog. Occasionally, they get me into trouble: when they poop at the wrong place (I’m still work- ing on that with them). I remem- ber one time Riley killed two cats, in an Ewe house – where cats are on top of the food chain – it gets me into trouble. His dreams of becoming a come- dian shot down, Selase sounded like he could do comedy along- side breeding his dogs. His conta- gious enthusiasm and spirited per- sonality simply denies one who, growing up, had all the reasons to throw in the towel and turn out a bum. Jollof is his exotic favorite; Konkontey (aka Chris Brown) is his local favorite.