you don’t have the time). Not
everybody does that but that is
the right way to do it.
TCM: How far do you want to
go with this?
SGQ: I’ll like to go how far God
takes me because it might
change. I love dogs, but am open
to new directions from Him be-
cause He knows what’s best.
God gave me an idea to start
rearing rabbits and I may pur-
sue that and use the proceeds
to fund the dog project. I just
want people to be comfortable
around the whole idea of dogs.
People don’t like dogs because
they bite. There are certain no-
tions about some dogs, like a
Rottweiler. They tend to be a
bit aggressive but like a child, if
you teach them early at home,
a dog cannot go and disgrace
you outside. There are no bad
dogs; there are only bad own-
ers. follow a crazy dream like that?
SGQ: Well, when somebody
tells you ‘You can’t do it’, that’s
how you know that you can do
it because that means that your
mind is a step ahead of theirs. If
you can think it, it exists. They
told me No but deep down…
even before I had a dog, I knew
I had a dog…
Save. Being an entrepreneur can
be a risky thing so save and save
enough. Right now, I’m about
starting a fund for my dogs so
I don’t have to feed them from
my pocket.
Pray and humble yourself. Ask
the right questions. Don’t mind
if from the start people use you
because you’re a novice. Your
time will come and you will be
calling the shots for a change.
Love God; if you love God, ev-
erything will fall in place. You
might say you don’t know how
or you don’t have time but truth
is, if you really want to, you’ll
make the time and find out how
to do it. One reason why I start-
ed this is so that I’ll be self-suffi-
cient and be able to pay my tithe
as well and also be able to give
to the poor and needy around
Cherish the people who sup-
port your venture.
TCM: Any message to young en-
trepreneurs who would want to TCM: Have you had any chal-
lenges in this venture?
TCM: How has society respond-
ed to what you’re doing?
SGQ: I don’t have support from
my Dad. That was where it was
very discouraging. My Mum en-
courages me to brief her on my
activities so she can be praying
for me.