The County High School, Leftwich | Page 15

Design & Technology

Design and Technology is a subject that teaches students about designing and making solutions that improve people ’ s lives . Solutions which mean people are able to make better decisions , to work more effectively or comfortably . The curriculum aims to enhance and strengthen students ’ creativity , stimulate their imagination and engage them in practical hands-on experiences in order to realise their ideas and to experiment with different materials , including food .
Skills are taught progressively to ensure that all students are able to learn and practise in order to develop as they move through the school . Through our subject we look to actively develop skills such as teamwork , problem solving , and project and time management - all of which are consistently sought and valued by employers . We provide a curriculum that is relevant for the future , preparing students for work within a full range of careers . Regardless of background , ability or career path , we aim to provide knowledge and understanding of newly emerging and rapidly developing technologies , alongside traditional skills in order that students can understand and utilise them beyond their school years .
In today ’ s world there is an ever-increasing focus on the use of resources and the impact on the environment , resulting in a greater awareness of sustainable design . We aim to teach students about the social , economic and moral issues associated with producing products across the world . Students learn how to take design risks , helping them to become resourceful , innovative and enterprising citizens , who believe in striving to be the best they can able to succeed in making others proud . They develop skills to critique and refine their own work as part of the iterative design process .
We aim to create an environment in which students can take creative risks , able to develop original and imaginative ideas . Through excellent teaching we empower students to clearly communicate their ideas to others , to knowledgably select the best materials for realising their designs and to complete the design process by evaluating and improving their prototypes . We endeavour to pass on our passion and enthusiasm for the subject .
“ No product exists , until someone designs and produces it .”
“ Good buildings come from good people , and all problems are solved by good design ” - Stephen Gardiner