The Coshocton County Beacon October 14, 2021 | Page 7

October 14 , 2021 The Beacon • 7 Letter to the Editor

The past two years have been filled with false perceptions and false positives , yet the world ’ s people have allowed the fear to consume them to the point of surrendered freedoms . Things don ’ t line up with logic and common sense . My Christian world view recognizes everyone has the right to choose the injection , but no one has the right to force you to be injected .
I believe in the Creator of mankind , rather than vaccines , doctors or scientists . God created the human body with its phenomenal ability to heal itself . The so-called vaccine is compromising it to the point that seasonal flu could bring on mass hospitalization and death . Considerable atrocity is the way it ’ s developed … on the lung tissue of an aborted baby .
The media is censoring death , injury rates , the life-saving therapeutics and even the voice of those with adverse reactions . This is an experiment , and the world has become their laboratory with the human population replacing their animal subjects . The laws require content to be disclosed , but COVID ’ s insert says , “ Intentionally Blank .” Mandating toxins , spike proteins and other immune-damaging products into our bodies ,
without informed consent , is criminal .
The Nuremberg Code established the following : ” Subject is able to exercise the free power of choice , without force , fraud , deceit , duress or other ulterior form of coercion … and sufficient knowledge of elements lays out the rights of patients to deny participation . During the course of the experiment , the scientist must be prepared to terminate … at any stage , when it will likely result in injury , disability or death .”
Thousands of doctors and scientists are signing a declaration accusing COVID policy-makers of crimes against humanity . Scientist Dr . Robert Malone , who developed the mRNA technology in the Moderna and Pfizer shot , reads the declaration at the Global Covid Summit in Rome . Dr . Malone is very concerned about what the toxins will do to the reproductive system of women and children .
Why are doctors and nurses leaving their careers behind ? Is observation playing a role in their decision ? A doctor told me her hospital was filled with patients having adverse reactions to the jab , not unvaccinated COVID-19 patients as the media reports .
We ’ re reading far too many 50- and 60-yearold ’ s obituaries . Are they dying from COVID , which has a 99.9 % survival rate with therapeutics , or dying from the jab ? Our U . S . reporting system ( VAERS ) revealed 16,000 people have died and thousands more injured , and that ’ s with only 1 % reporting .
When researching the increased number of childhood vaccines ,
you ’ re instantly schooled on the disease and disabilities of the sickest generation of children in American history . In the ‘ 70s they received eight to 11 jabs , but today they ’ re getting 35 before kindergarten and 72 before graduation .
If we don ’ t have body autonomy , we are no longer a free people . The Vaccine Passports will be “ stolen freedoms ” on steroids . It ’ s time to take a stand !
Join us at the Freedom Rally on the court square sponsored by New Beginning Ministries at 2 p . m . on Sunday , Oct . 17 .
Nancy M . McFarland Coshocton
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