November 30 , 2023 The Beacon • 5
Free and fair elections . Let ’ s start with a definition of Gerrymandering : the manipulation of an electoral constituency ’ s boundaries in an effort to favor one party or class over another . Currently in Ohio , Republicans hold 70 % of the legislative seats at the state level in spite of only earning 56 % of the vote in recent election cycles . Theoretically then , a representation voting map should reflect that . The difficulty is when politicians are in charge of drawing these maps , they tend to try and protect their seats .
The obvious solution is it should be turned over to an independent commission that would draw the map . This has been accomplished in several states with both parties concluding it — and being supported by the Supreme Court of those states — as being fair .
Historically , both parties have engaged in this practice , which is actually illegal . The Apportionment Act of 1842 mandated districts be
Letter to the Editor
geographically contiguous and have roughly the same population . Within those parameters both parties have manipulated the boundaries based on the Census . The party in power at that time typically will redraw the map in an effort to stay in control . The end result is you are not truly being represented . This is why when you call your representative , if you are not from the party in control , your voice is greatly diminished .
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 gave the Department of Justice the power to break up districts that sought to disenfranchise minorities . Currently , there are a number of lawsuits over this very issue . I think everyone everywhere likes the idea that your vote counts as equally as the next person . When we wander away from that notion , then the politicians seem to think our votes should not count at all . If we are not careful , we at one time or another become disenfranchised and feel at best minimized .
Demanding “ free and fair ” elections is at the heart of our nation . Our last presidential election was one where a number of folks insisted there was an inaccurate tally of the votes . Lawsuits were put in play and rejected 61 times all over the country . In an effort to ensure a different outcome in 2024 , bullying of volunteer poll workers , theft of personal voter information , disparagement of secretaries of state and attempts at Gerrymandering have ensued .
We should insist on an independent commission to draw our representative maps and remove politicians from that process . You can agree or disagree with me . I just want your vote to count as much as mine .
Ed Gallagher Coshocton
Help available for water and wastewater bills
The Ohio Department of Development and Kno- Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission will help income-eligible Ohioans with water and wastewater ( sewer ) assistance . The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program provides eligible Ohioans assistance paying water and wastewater bills .
Jon Ulbright presents the
38 th Annual
Clients need to have copies of the following documents : their most recent water / wastewater bills , a list of all household members and proof of income for the last 30 days or 12 months for each member , proof of U . S . citizenship or legal residency for all household members , proof of disability if applicable , and other documentation as needed .
Income guidelines are at or below 175 % of the Federal Poverty Level . For information about the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program , call Kno-Ho-Co- Ashland Community Action Commission at 740-622- 9801 .
Massillon Train & Toy Show Sunday , December 10 , 2023 • 10AM-3PM Admission : Adults $ 5 • Children 12 & Under FREE Sponsored by CJ Trains , LLC • www . cjtrains . com
Featuring : All Gauges & Parts • Running Layouts • Farm & Vintage Toys Die Cast Models • Books & Videos • 150 Dealer Tables • NASCAR Items • FREE Parking Catered by Massillon K of C
Massillon K of C Hall • 988 Cherry Road NW , Massillon , OH 44647 Phone : 330-262-7488 • Cell : 330-466-8664 • Email : cathijon @ sssnet . com
Waiting on Christmas lights
Marianne Austin
Amy Stonebraker from West Lafayette and her 2-year-old grandson Remington Collins were at the court square early on for the Christmas activities on Nov . 17 . “ This is the first one that he has been able to really enjoy , with the lights and everything ,” Stonebraker said .
11AM-1PM Take out only $ 3.00 each
Salads Available Choice of Toppings & Dressings
MONDAY , DEC . 4 9-3 MEDICARE COUNSELING – BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 10:00 SENIOR EXERCISE • 10:30 GERI-FIT 11:00 PENNY BINGO • 12:45 BINGOCIZE Taco Salad ( Lettuce , Tomato , Meat , Beans , Cheese , Sour Cream & Taco Sauce ), 100 % Fruit Juice , Doritos , Rice Krispy Treat & Milk
_____________________ TUESDAY , DEC . 5 8:00 YOGA • 9:15 LINE DANCING 10:00 MEDITATION • 11:30 BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS W / LAFAYETTE POINTE • 1:00 HAUSEY Chicken Patty w / Bun , Sweet Potato Tots , Cauliflower w / Cheese , Jell-O w / Fruit , Milk
_____________________ WEDNESDAY , DEC . 6 10:00 SENIOR EXERCISE 10:00 FOSTER GRANDPARENTS • 10:30 GERI-FIT 11:00 MIKE HOSKINS – PIANO 11:30 BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS W / DANBURY SENIOR LIVING • 12:00 PERI “ PLOW BOY ” Baked Potato , BBQ Pork , Broccoli & Cheese , Coleslaw , Dinner Roll & Milk
_____________________ THURSDAY , DEC . 7 8:00 YOGA • 9:15 CARDIO DRUMMING 10:30 CHAIR YOGA • 12:45 BINGOCIZE Popcorn Chicken w / Gravy , Mashed Potatoes , Corn , Ambrosia Salad , Dinner Roll & Milk
_____________________ FRIDAY , DEC . 8 10:00 SENIOR EXERCISE • 10:30 GERI-FIT 1:00 EUCHRE Mac-n-Cheese , Stewed Tomatoes , Peas , Pineapple Tidbits , Dinner Roll & Milk
740.622.4852 | 201 Browns Lane , Coshocton | Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm To access ingredient content , please call Bud Moore 740.622.4852 or visit www . knohoco . org