Cecil Shroyer January 9 , 2025
6 • The Beacon January 9 , 2025
Follow these ideas for snow day fun and memories
By Jen Jones
For The Beacon
Before you get the call that school is closed this winter , be ready for some fun with snow day activity ideas .
The kids will want to play outside — so why not join them ? Dress warm and jump on a sled or have a snowball fight with your kids .
Have some hot chocolate ready to mix up when everyone gets too cold . Be sure to have plenty of little marshmallows to add . To make it even more exciting , buy some inexpensive mugs to use as “ snow day ” mugs .
Make sno-cones or snow ice cream . Some milk , vanilla and sugar are all you need to create ice cream from fresh snow .
It ’ s like a science experiment that your kids will love .
Gather craft supplies all year when they are on sale — old magazines , construction paper , feathers , cardboard , crayons , beads , you name it — and your kids will find a way to use it . Best of all , this sparks their imaginations and their fine motor skills . And it could take hours to get their art just right .
Bring out the board games you loved as a child and teach your kids how to play . Again , you will use fine motor skills , counting and reasoning — all the things your kids need at school every day .
Play hide and seek or build a reading fort in the living room . Break out the blankets and make
January 9 , 2004
Love You ! Mom , Dad , Grandma Reed , Kris , Lindsey , Raelynn , Dustin
Sled riding can be a fun family activity on snow days , but there are many other ways to also enjoy the day with your kids .
forts . Add some pillows and you have the perfect place to cuddle up and read to your kids or for them to read a good book .
Isabella ( Bell ) Justice
Having a special place to read makes it even more special .
Let your kids help make meals . If you are home and not in a hurry to get to an after school activity , it ’ s the perfect time to let your kids help you decide what to make for lunch or supper and then let them help . You are teaching so many life skills by doing this , but all your kids see is the fun .
for the platter of homemade Christmas cookies you delivered to our front porch !
Happy 86th Birthday
Cecil Shroyer January 9 , 2025
With Love From Your Family
Wear PJs all day . Why not ? It will be something new and different for your kids and less laundry for you .
Bake cookies . Again , let your kids help . Let them read the recipe and measure the ingredients . It ’ s a learning experience , and it is fun . They will be so proud to share that they made cookies .
Have a scavenger hunt . Write a list of items your kids must find and see who can find everything first .
Turn up the music and dance the day away . Burn the extra energy your kids have from being home in a fun way that everyone can join in .
Set up an indoor obstacle course for your kids or play balloon tennis . Make paddles out of paper plates and Popsicle sticks and try to keep a balloon in the air .
Do science experiments such as making a volcano , a tornado in a bottle or filling a balloon by using vinegar and baking soda . Simple experiments are available online and often use easyto-find supplies you have at home .
Make your own play dough or plan by creating your Valentines or your Valentines box for school . You also can have the kids make cards for area nursing homes . The residents will love the cards , and your kids will learn about doing things for others .
Make puppets out of old socks and put on a show . Another fun idea is setting up a photo booth area with plenty of costumes and accessories for your kids to try . Print the pictures and make a photo book during your next snow day .
Ask your kids what they would like to do that summer and have them research the area and what there is to do . It ’ s imagination and life skills planning all wrapped into one .
Snow days can be a time to take it easy and just have fun with your kids . If you have household chores that need done , ask your kids to help so you can all have fun together . Make memories your kids will remember forever .