2 • The Beacon January 14 , 2021
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THE COSHOCTON COUNTY BEACON is published weekly by AloNovus Corp ., 226 Main Street , Coshocton , OH 43812 . All rights reserved by AloNovus Corp . AloNovus Corp . does not necessarily support the opinion of writers . Mailed at Periodicals Postage Pricing Permit No . 25408 at Coshocton , OH , 43812 . Postmaster , send address changes to The Coshocton County Beacon , 226 Main Street , Coshocton , OH 43812 . Address changes may be sent via email to addresschange @ coshoctoncountybeacon . com . To request free in-county delivery of The Coshocton County Beacon , visit our office at 226 Main Street in Towne Centre , Coshocton to fill out a requestor card . You can also request free in-county delivery of The Beacon online at www . iwantmybeacon . com .
MARK FORTUNE PUBLISHER mfortune @ alonovus . com
JOSIE SELLERS EDITOR jsellers @ alonovus . com
NANCY FORTUNE CIRCULATION nfortune @ alonovus . com
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The Beacon is published by AloNovus Corp . © Copyright 2021
Leadership classes join together for meeting
On Tuesday , Dec . 8 , Coshocton County Youth Leadership and the Leadership Coshocton County joined together for a virtual meeting . Our theme for the day was “ Social Service and Poverty in Coshocton .” Although the format was different , the members of these two leadership organizations still were able to learn about the topic . During our meeting we hosted several speakers to speak about social service and poverty in Coshocton .
Our first speaker of the day was Tyra Hixon from Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices . She discussed the services Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices provide . We found out they help people who struggle with addiction and people with
mental-health disorders . They provide therapy and help with child-parent issues .
Our next speaker was Ray Hardesty , who is from Kno- Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission . Kno- Ho-Co is an organization that focuses on reducing poverty in communities . Kno-Ho-Co is a nonprofit organization located in Ashland , but they provide services for Coshocton , Knox , Holmes and Ashland counties .
Our third speaker of the day was Capt . Victoria Clark from The Salvation Army .
Share Your Opinion !
The Coshocton County Beacon believes in our right of free speech . The Beacon will publish a letter to the editor or an opinion as space permits . There is a 500-750 word limit . A letter to the editor also must contain your name and city or village of your postal zip code . Example : John Smith , Fresno . Please provide us with your address and phone number in case we need to contact you with questions about your letter . Phone numbers and addresses will not be included in the paper . To maintain accuracy the preferred method of delivery is email in Microsoft Word format . Please email your letter to jsellers @ alonovus . com .
Printed or mailed letters to the editor will have to be retyped and The Beacon does not guarantee accuracy . Letters to the editor will be published as space permits . The Beacon reserves the right to refuse , edit , or otherwise reject any letter that is deemed inappropriate , offensive or slanderous . Letters need to be factual and the Beacon can request proof of fact checking .
Letters to The Editor are due by noon on Thursday . Letters from the same writer will not run consecutive weeks .
Letters expressing an opinion on a levy , issue or candidate placed on the primary , general or special election ballot that affects anyone in Coshocton County must be published two weeks or more prior to the election in consideration of early voting .
The Salvation Army is a worldwide organization that helps people with a variety of issues from veteran affairs to poverty .
After a morning full of knowledge , we took a short break to stretch and get a drink or snack . Then we got back to work with our next speaker , Ed Gallagher , who works with Allwell Behavioral Health and the Coshocton Fatherhood Initiative .
Allwell Behavioral Health focuses on helping people with mental-health issues and those with an abusive past . The Coshocton Fatherhood Initiative is an organization that focuses on helping families become a stronger unit through helping fathers become meaningful figures in their family ’ s life .
The fifth speaker of the day was Danny Brenneman , who is the director for Coshocton County Job and Family Services . Coshocton County Job and Family Services is an organization that focuses on helping families with raising children and with helping the unemployed of Coshocton find jobs .
Brenneman constructed a survey that contained information for the kids and adults to fill out that informed us about the statistics associated with his work .
Our final speaker of the day was Tara Lewis from Coshocton Regional Medical Center . The Coshocton Regional Medical Center is the hospital that is located in Coshocton County , and they deal with issues regarding diagnosis , emergency services , intensive care and rehabilitation . Lewis is a patient access manager and is in charge of patient safety and satisfaction in the hospital .
Thank you to all of the speakers , Tyra Hixon , Ray Hardesty , Capt . Victoria Clark , Ed Gallagher , Danny Brenneman , Tara Lewis and Betsy Gosnell , for setting up such an informative and fun day . If you have any questions concerning Coshocton County Youth Leadership or want to know more , call executive director Gosnell at 740-622-0010 or email bgosnell @ coshoctonfoundation . org .
Editor ’ s note : This column was written by CCYL Class of 2021 member Cole Tatro .
Register for the heart health email challenge
Heart disease is the number-one cause of death for people in the United States , but there are many things that can be done each day to improve heart health .
Educators with Ohio State University Extension are ready to help
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with an email challenge that connects participants with six weeks of tips , research and resources to help lead a heart-healthy life .
At the end of January , all participants will receive a welcome email . Beginning Feb . 1 , participants will receive emails twice a week until March 15 . Participants will have access to a tracking log and other resources available on the OSU Extension Live Healthy Live Well Blog and Facebook page . Register at www . go . osu . edu / LHLWCoshocton by Jan . 27 .
For more information email Emily Marrison , family and consumer sciences educator , at marrison . 12 @ osu . edu or call 740-622-2265 .
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