The Coshocton County Beacon December 30, 2021 | Page 23

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December 30 , 2021 The Beacon • 23

Resolutions do not have to be big decisions

By Jen Jones
New Year ’ s Day is a great time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one . It ’ s time to decide what improvements you would like to make in your life . The problem is all too often people make a long list , jump in with both feet and quit a week or two later because it ’ s too hard . Here ’ s a list of possible resolutions and ways to stick with them .
The best way to stick with resolutions is to break them down into easy steps and take your time working through each step .
Lose weight
This is always the most popular resolution . People feel the new year is the best time to get fit and lose the extra weight . If you are one of these people , skip signing up for a gym membership right away . Instead , decide you will take the stairs instead of the elevator once a day or you will park farther away from the store . Only once
a day — a small , easy change to do . Look for other ways you can add steps to your day . Every hour , walk around your house or your office .
Sneak simple exercises into your day . Do wall push-ups while you wait for your coffee each morning . Do high steps while you dry your hair . Do whatever you can to add a few exercises into your day without it becoming stressful . Once you are comfortable with your small steps , you can add larger ones such as walking around the neighborhood or purchasing a treadmill .
Eating healthier
Again , this is a very popular resolution and one that can be accomplished with patience . Start small . Drink one glass of water instead of a soft drink every day . Choose a piece of fruit or a vegetable for a snack — just once a day . Don ’ t add quite as much salt to your food . Put your potato chips into a small bowl instead of munching from the bag . You don ’ t need to do all of these each day . You just pick one thing and stick to it for a week before you choose the next one to add to your day . Small and easy changes will keep you from feeling deprived and giving up .
Saving money
This is a hard one to do , as many people live paycheck to paycheck . It can be done with small changes . If you eat out often , plan to stay home one night that you usually go out . Put that money away somewhere . Skip buying a cup of coffee every morning . Pack your lunch . Drop the subscriptions you don ’ t use often . Buy generic instead of name brand . Eat leftovers .
More family time
Families seem to be always in a rush and lose out on valuable down time , just to be together .
Find those few minutes every day to focus just on your children or spouse . Dance in the kitchen while you make supper . Read a book before bed . Have family movie night where everyone puts on their PJs and brings blankets to the living room to watch a movie and eat junk food . Ask your child open-ended questions — not how was your day , but tell me something that made you smile today .
Be more organized
The best way to get organized is by taking one small area at a time and clearing it out . Clean out a kitchen drawer as you make supper every night for a week . Clean out the bathroom cupboard while your child is splashing in the tub . Don ’ t look at a room and think it will be impossible . Do a small piece every day , and you ’ ll be
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surprised how quickly it will get done .
For personal organization , buy a fire-proof safe and put papers like birth certificates , marriage licenses and insurance policies in it . Titles to your cars and deeds to property , along with your will or final papers , also should be in the safe . Every day , as soon as you bring in the mail , file it or throw it away . Don ’ t let it pile up . Teach your children to help you keep your home organized . They can help fold clothes , put away their things and clean up .


New Year ’ s resolutions don ’ t have to be big decisions . Make one small step toward your ultimate goal and stick to it for a few weeks . When you are comfortable with that step , add another one for a few weeks . Don ’ t get mad at yourself if you slip up . Just start the next day fresh . The biggest reasons people give up is because they are stressed about their goal , try to do too much at once and feel deprived . Your goals shouldn ’ t be a race with anyone . Slow and steady will get you to your goals .
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