We don’t know who this guy is, but he seems to show up at all the
same events we are at. Sometimes we just catch him making kids
laugh, and for some reason, we are always getting requests to have
Hip-Hop Vader show up to special events in the Copa. We don’t
know when or where he will show up, or if anyone really invites
him, but his videos have become legend. If you got to HeyMaricopaTV.com, you can see why the Academy Awards are trying to
figure out how to include short videos in their presentation with the
best movies of the year.
Okay, maybe that is a slight exaggeration, but a big part part of the
success of the HeyMaricopaTV brand is due to the local popularity
of Hip-Hop Vader. If destiny is kind, there’s almost a certainty of him
becoming internationally known to rock an air guitar.
Hip-Hop Vader was most infamously described live-on-air by Fox
10 New’s Cory McClosky, as, “some mute character running around
We understand there are some grumpy trolls out there that never
want to smile about life—that don’t understand when you live in
the middle of the desert, where it can smell like cows, and never
rain—you have to a sense of humor about all this! We understand
their distaste, and we wish them the best of luck in their pursuit of
If you haven’t seen Hip-Hop Vader in action, tune in to HeyMaricopaTV.com and check out the shenanigans. You also might recognize some of your friends around the community.