Edgar Cayago
Not only was Edgar was a prolific
contributor to Yelp (garnishing an
awesome run as Yelp Elite from '08
through '010), he also has three
legit things published. First,
there was a Father's Day poem
published in Papua New Guinea's
Post-Courier newspaper when he was
nine. Then there was a letter to
the editor about the emergence of
Asian filmmakers printed in the
now-defunct LA City Beat. Now this
review of Salt's Cure will be his
third. Clearly he is on a roll.
Silvano & Melissa Barba
They’ve admired each other’s unique
style since they first met in 1997.
Now, Melissa & Silvano with their
“fashion is about confidence” way of
thinking share that confidence, share
the fashion, share the Mode Populi.
Carley Steiner
Carley Steiner was born in
Louisiana, schooled in New York, and
now works as a writer in LA. She
loves making things by hand, her
dented can rescue dog, eating
unidentifiable ethnic treats from
hidden restaurants, and anything that
can be categorized as "cozy".
Rachel Alexander
Rachel Alexander is a fashion model living
in the East Village of New York City.
Although traveling the world as a human
mannequin, she is a tomboy at heart, and
prefers wearing workout clothes
everywhere. Rachel has lived in a
treehouse in Costa Rica and an Ashram in
Park Slope Brooklyn (don't ask). You can
follow her mostly shocking and always
awkward adventures on her