Elite Care for the Whole
The new Sports & Orthopedic Center is beginning to take shape at Baylor
Scott & White Medical Center - Hillcrest
onstruction crews are busy A surgery center for orthopedic those involving the brain, spine, and
placing beams and laying the procedures will be located conveniently musculoskeletal system.
groundwork for the 106,000 in the same complex as medical An AlterG Treadmill will help reduce
square-foot facility scheduled to open practices and rehabilitation services. gravity’s impact on the user, allowing
in early 2020. Featuring both indoor and Our Fusionetics Performance patients to push their physical therapy
outdoor space for the rehabilitation and Health System provides effective rehabilitation and training further
development of every type of athlete, the solutions focused on reducing with less pain and stress to joints and
center is designed to enhance the health injury, optimizing performance, and muscles. The treadmill also provides
and well-being of the entire community. enhancing recovery. a safe way to lose weight with
“With this new addition to our campus,
we seek to prevent injuries before they
occur with advanced performance
more intensive exercise or improve
Philanthropic Opportunity
mobility and strength for those with
“Our community has graciously
neurological conditions.
practices and prevention technology,” and generously supported Hillcrest’s A Bio-dex Machine will be used in
says Glenn Robinson, president for Baylor advancement of health care services for physical therapy to measure quad and
Scott & White – Waco Region. “When decades, and we are honored to have hamstring strength following surgery,
injuries do strike, we stand ready to treat received many gifts for the new Sport & identify risk for re-injury, and establish
patients with a team approach to each Orthopedic Center,” Mr. Robinson says. an appropriate timeline for return to
individual’s unique injury.” “Philanthropy is a critical component to competitive sports.
our Sacred Work, and we can never say An outdoor performance facility will
thank you enough to those who have enhance physical therapy by providing
answered the call to help.” space for activities such as running,
A sports performance space will
allow team members to analyze the
A capital campaign is currently
movement of athletes of all ages to underway to fund leading-edge
improve strength, conditioning, and equipment and technology for this
performance with a focus on safety. premier facility:
cutting, and pitching, or movements
like swinging a golf club or tumbling.
To learn more about how you can help,
Specialists will offer both surgical and A 3.0T MRI will provide high-resolution please contact Jeremy Ksionda, director of
nonsurgical solutions to pain in hand/ images to aid in the diagnosis of a philanthropy for Waco, at 254-202-9553.
wrist, foot/ankle, spine, and total joint. variety of conditions, particularly