Having a Heart for
Hispanic Culture
Hispanic Heart Group Program Launches
at Baylor Scott & White Health
permission) with extended family,
who may want to attend appointments,
weigh in on care decisions or be an
integral part of their loved one’s recovery
after surgery. The Hispanic culture is
relationship-driven, where families
serve as important emotional support
systems, so it’s important to involve
that community in the way in which the
patient feels comfortable.
The program also aims to help those
who may not have access to health
ffective communication is the This firsthand experience of Latino basis of any good relationship, culture for caregivers is key, notes Anthony Dedicated fundraising will provide an
especially between a patient Picchioni, PhD, program director of opportunity for the community at large
and a physician. When barriers to science in the department of surgical to help those in the Hispanic community.
communication exist, the social, cultural education at Baylor Scott & White Health “We are not Mexican, Cuban, Puerto
and linguistic needs of a patient are and professor at Southern Methodist Rican—we are all one Hispanic family
often not met.
To address the
opportunity for a
strengthened connection
with the growing Latino
population in North
Texas, a new Hispanic
Heart Group program
within Baylor Scott &
White Heart and Vascular
A new Hispanic Heart
Group program within
Baylor Scott & White
Heart and Vascular
Hospital was created
to provide care with a
special understanding
of the Hispanic culture.
insurance by providing financial resources.
University, who in the United states. This program
teaches classes in was created for us,” Dr. Rafael said.
diversity, inclusion
and multiculturalism.
“We need to
No matter the culture of origin,
Dr. Picchioni stresses that respect is
key. “What’s important is that through
meet people at their listening, showing empathy and warmth,
map of the world. you’re showing your respect for that
In other words, we person,” he said.
are all a product of
“We live in a global village and a
a family of origin, cosmopolitan community and international
but also our culture city. Baylor Scott & White is a recognized
of origin. We learn quality provider. It’s part of our mandate
special understanding of the scripts, the dos, to take care of people to be sensitive
the Hispanic culture. the don’ts and the to cultural diversity and respect the
Hospital was created
to provide care with a
“Our goal is to meet the needs of the
Spanish-speaking community with heart
and vascular disease and give patients
norms. It forms our worldview from a way in which they need to be treated,”
cultural perspective,” he said. Dr. Picchioni said.
Understanding that many people in
and their families quality care in cardiac a traditional Latino culture approach life For more information on the Hispanic Heart
surgery and preventive care in a very from a communal perspective instead Group program or other heart and vascular
friendly environment,” explained Aldo of an individualistic one, allowances can initiatives, contact Lynn Bohne at
Rafael, MD, advanced heart failure and be made to discuss care (with patients’ 214.820.4070 or [email protected].
transplant cardiothoracic surgeon on the
medical staff and founder of the Hispanic
Heart Group program at Baylor Scott &
White Heart and Vascular Hospital. “In
simple words, it’s to eliminate barriers.”
The program, believed to be the first
of its kind in the state, couples advanced
care with cultural understanding. Everyone
in the program—from the person who
schedules appointments to the nursing
staff and physicians—speaks both
English and Spanish and was raised in
the Hispanic culture. The multidisciplinary
team includes cardiothoracic surgeons,
vascular surgeons and interventional
cardiologists on the medical staff, and
other experts in heart and vascular care.
From minimally invasive surgeries to
heart transplantation, the group is able
to provide the full complement of care
with a unique cultural perspective.
Dr. Aldo Rafael meets with his patient, Horace, following his heart transplant.