The COMmunicator 2019-20 Vol. 4 | Page 35

Danielle Sultan, DO ‘20

Where did you match?

I matched into Emergency Medicine at Lehigh Valley Health Network in Allentown, PA!!

What factors went into selecting your residency choices?

There were so many things to consider, it was all very overwhelming. In the end, I prioritized program curriculum, clinical opportunities, strength of didactics, diversity of patients, and sense of community/camaraderie. Location also played a big role, as I knew I would need a support system through my career as a resident. But overall, I considered programs that I thought would make me into the doctor I want to become!

What drew you towards your particular specialty?

What's not to love about emergency medicine!? EM is a blend of every aspect of medicine, making it a perfect specialty for the medical student who likes to do everything! The emergency room is the catch all, one stop shop for all the medical fields allowing providers to move from high adrenaline, lifesaving procedures to traditional primary care medicine, obstetric, and psychiatric care all within the same shift. I wanted to enter a field in which procedural expertise is as paramount as cognitive discipline; where one must always be expecting the unexpected and be readily able to think outside the box in any situation. EM will give me the opportunity to treat a vast population of patients with diverse ages, genders, ethnicities, and socioeconomic status as well as serve them in their most dire time of need. Moreover, joining the emergency medical field will allow me to play a team sport, in which many disciplines and professions must work together harmoniously in order to care for our patients. I am so honored to join this unique field and can't wait to get started!

Where did you set-up to learn your Match Day results? Were you able to be with any friends or family?

I was fortunate to meet up with a small group of friends on the beach in Kennebunk, Maine! We opened our emails together, air-hugged, and stayed 6 feet away at all times.

How nervous were you on Match Day waiting for the clock to strike 12:00 PM?

I was super anxious the whole week leading up to Match Day; there was no amount of yoga or meditation that could calm my nerves! I am glad I finally have a name and place to put into my dreams of life as a resident. It is a very weird feeling having someone else decide your future for you!!

What were your initial reactions when you learned your results? How did you share them?

Honestly, I was in total shock and felt like I was dreaming! I had to keep asking my friends, "It says Lehigh, right!?" After spending so much time fretting over where I would be placed, it took a long time for the actuality to set in. I called and texted my family immediately and spent the rest of the day in a sort of dazed excitement.