The COMmunicator 2019-20 Vol. 4 | Page 34

David Shbeeb, DO ‘20

Where did you match?

The Anesthesiology Residency Program at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem, North Carolina!

What factors went into selecting your residency choices?

Educational/career opportunities, program culture, gut feeling, climate/location, and opportunities for my wife and kids.

What drew you towards your particular specialty?

Honestly, this has always been a hard question for me to answer because the decision to go into anesthesia was influenced heavily by simply a feeling of knowing it was the right fit. It all just clicked for me, and I loved the unique challenges that the field presents. Maybe it was also because of my personality. Maybe it

was also the great connections I made with anesthesiologists during my first year.

Where did you set-up to learn your Match Day results? Were you able to be with any friends or family?

We were not able to have any friends or extended family join us for viewing our Match Day results. My wife and I set up my computer in our living room while our two boys, Everett and Rowan, were playing with cars on the floor - completely unaware of the significance of what we were about to find out through the Match letter.

How nervous were you on Match Day waiting for the clock to strike 12:00 PM?

We made a goal to be as laidback as possible by sleeping in and eating a late breakfast, but I have to admit that the uncertainty made me nervous. Definitely a lot of anxious feelings and adrenaline pumping in the few minutes leading up until 12.

What were your initial reactions when you learned your results? How did you share them?

My wife and I were shocked and overjoyed. She read the email faster than I did and yelled: “WAKE WAKE WAKE!” We both were celebrating loudly, and the boys were extremely confused about why we were so excited. After taking a few moments to let it all sink in, we shared the good news with my parents and siblings on a group video call.

What excites you about your residency program?

I’m looking forward to being at a program where there are plenty of opportunities for growth and connection - not just inside the program but in the community as well. I have already felt welcomed by current residents, resident spouses, and staff who have gone out of their way to reach out and offer assistance, information, and even a place to stay if I needed it. Another thing that I specifically love about the program is that there is a huge emphasis on innovation and supporting residents in their specific career goals and paths.