The COMmunicator 2018-19 Vol. 3 | Page 29

Four students from the Class of 2019 share their stories:

Jessica Harnisch-Boyd, MPH, DO ‘19

Where are you going for residency? Kootenai Health in Coeur d'Alene, ID for Family Medicine

What factors went into selecting your Match choices? I was looking for an unopposed, full-spectrum Family Medicine program that offered excellent obstetric training, in-office procedure training, and good pediatrics exposure.

What factors led you to your current specialty? I knew I wanted to go into Family Medicine before I started medical school because it's the specialty that best corresponds with my passion for public health and disease prevention. My experience during my third-year clerkship and fourth-year sub-internships confirmed my preconceived notions and showed me how much I enjoyed caring for patients of all ages and backgrounds.

What factors led you to your current specialty? I knew I wanted to go into Family Medicine before I started medical school because it's the specialty that best corresponds with my passion for public health and disease prevention. My experience during my third-year clerkship and fourth-year sub-internships confirmed my preconceived notions and showed me how much I enjoyed caring for patients of all ages and backgrounds.

What were your favorite aspects/memories of the event? The Match Day ceremony was obviously exciting because we finally found out where we are going next. But, I really enjoyed seeing my classmates that I haven't seen for 6+ months - it was a great event to catch up and share in our excitement together.

How did you feel as you opened that red envelope? I felt so relieved. I was accepted into the program that I have been wanting to go to for the past four years.

What excites you about your residency program? I did a one-month sub-internship at Kootenai Health at the beginning of fourth year, and I remember feeling very comfortable while there and sad to leave once the rotation was done.

So, I am excited to return to a program with supportive co-residents and faculty that will help me become a well-trained family medicine physician prepared to practice medicine in Northern Idaho.