What factors led you to your current specialty? My favorite aspect of Family Medicine is the relationship built with each patient, sometimes over decades. I chose Family Medicine, because it is the field that I found to be most fulfilling and also the field in which I believe I can make the most difference in the lives of others. When I think about the family physicians who I admire, I see individuals who are integral members of the families they care for and the community as a whole. They understand the dynamics of the families they treat and how these elements impact their patients’ health. This is the type of physician I want to be.
What were your favorite aspects/memories of the event? My favorite part of the event was being surrounded by my family and friends as well as faculty and staff who shared in the excitement of Match Day. It was the perfect culmination of the past 4 years of hard work and sacrifices. I felt a huge sense of pride in all of my classmates who have joined me on this journey. I was honored to have been asked to deliver a toast and congratulate my peers - this was a huge highlight even though my heart was racing in anticipation!
How did you feel as you opened that red envelope? As I opened the envelope, I was incredibly nervous. Four years of dedication came down to that one moment. As a first year student, I remember thinking that fourth year seemed so far away and there always seemed to be so many hurdles to jump until Match Day arrived. I think I was in a state of shock as I opened that envelope, followed by a huge sense of relief that I matched to my number one choice! It was incredibly suspenseful but exciting - I'll never forget that feeling of pure joy.
What excites you about your residency program? Everything! I can't wait to begin my career as a physician alongside 11 other residents who are equally as passionate about family medicine. I think I'm most excited to have my own panel of patients who will grow with me over the next three years. I'm also looking forward to all of the behavioral health training opportunities that Brown has to offer, including MAT (Medication-Assisted Treatment) training and working with the incarcerated population.
Amy Callahan, DO ‘19
Where are you going for residency? I will be attending the Brown Family Medicine Program in Providence, RI!
What factors went into selecting your Match choices? There were a lot of factors that went into selecting my rank order list, but I'd say the most important factor was finding a group of people who would not only support me but also challenge me to be the best possible physician I can be. I knew that I would receive a great education at any of the places I interviewed, but I was in search of that gut feeling of comfort. When I completed my sub-internship at Brown last fall, I was so impressed by not only the rigor of the program, but also the sense of community amongst residents, faculty, and staff. When I left the dinner the night before the interview, I knew that the residents were a group I wanted to be part of. Location was also certainly a factor; I wanted to be reasonably close to my family!