How Should TED, As An Educational
Organisation, Become A ‘Green Leader’
In Its Field?
Human beings have been destroying and damaging the environmental
resources from the day they existed on earth. Although the global warming
and the other environmental issues have been a problem for years, in this
decade it has started getting more attention from humans.
Nowadays it is popular to protect the environment. People have started
lots of projects to minimise global warming and environmental issues.
TED, as an educational organisation, can do lots of things to become the
‘green leader’. First of the main aims should be saving and protecting the
environment; after that they can start doing other things such as making
students learn about the solutions. They can put solar panels on the top
of the buildings which include sensors so they can provide most of the
electricity they need. They can also separate the rubbish by its type. For
example; glass, plastic, food, battery, etc. After the separation they can
put organic rubbishes in a compost drum, so they can make free fertilizer
(which is completely organic) and reuse the rubbish in a useful way. The
rubbishes which cannot be used as a fertilizer will be reused in other ways.
Secondly, they can give speeches or organise competitions which will raise
the students’ awareness. This will also help the students in their future
lives such as being aware of the problems and issues around the world.
Most of the popular and important scientists say that in the near future
there will be jobs which will be about the importance the environment.
Lastly, they can organize some conferences about environment.
To conclude, TED can do lots of things to be the ‘Green Leader’. Being
the green leader needs lots of awareness and effort. In the near future
being aware of environmental problems and knowing the importance of
the environment will be top topics and TED will always take the lead.