The Comet 1897 The Comet Vol I Issue 4 | Page 4

THE COMET, APRIL, 1897. Scarbrough & Hicks. High Art Clothing H. I F0'~A~~~~I~~RI~~M:;~Y~R For Young Ladies and Young Gentlemen. It is best for you to do your shopping with us. Suits from PANTS. $13.50 to from $3.50 to $12.00. guaranteed. Scarbrough &. Hicks. The Low Juniors of the High School beg to be allowed to insert here a few lines expressive of their regard tor the High School. Witlh one voice we all agree that we are very much pleased with the school in general and with the pupils in particular. The stu- dents of other classes have treated us most kindly; and though we are old enough to be independent, still we are young enough to notice and be pleased with the 'attentions of our fel- low-students. The dreaded ordeal of entering a new school was for once put entirely aside. When we came to the High School, althougb unacquaint- ed with the teachers and pupils and ignorant at{ the customs of the school, we were hailed not as strangers, but as friends, and this kindly welcome has not proved short-lived. EXOHANGE All history repeats itself, A proverb says, I've heard, But when in class, I'm called upon, It never says a word.-Exchange. One-Two-Three! Who-Are-We? High School! High Cchool! Don't You See? A. P. • A boy in school was heard to say- And we know he spoke for all- That Caesar was not greatly liked, For Caesar had much Gaul. -Exchange. "Who wrote the most, Dickens, Warren 'Or Bulwer?" :'Warren wrote 'NO'w and Then,' Bulwer wrote 'Night and Morning,' and Dickens wrote 'All the Year Around.' "-Exdh'ange. PAUL President. Hill & Hill, GRAHAM & ANDREWS PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Toilet Articles, Paints, Orls, and Window Glass. Goods delivered to any part of the city free. Of Austin, Texas. and Sports- Goods TO 0'UR ST0'CK 0'F HARDW ARE, BICYCLE SUNDRIES, ETC. You will always find our prices the Iowest, our good the best. G. C. Bengener & Bro. The Cash Hardware Dealers. the Windmill. F. THORNTON, Vice-PreRident. City National M. C. Sign of MTLLER, Cashier. Bank, Capital. $150,000.00. Board of Directors: 'I'hos. D. Wooten. E. M. Scarbrough, R. L. Brown, Paul F. Thornton, Jno. B. Pope, 1\1.C. Miller, A. P. Wooldridge. The business of the Faculty and Students of the University solicited. 'Tis wrong for any maid to be Abroad at night alone; she -Exchange. WOOLDRIDGE, J. SMTTH, Manager, The only reliable grocers, are still do- ing business at their old stand at the head of Congress Avenue. Ammunition men's THE U. 0'F T. MAGAZINE. The Literary Journal of The Univer- sity. $1.50 fER YEAR. 0'. E. R0'BERTS, Bus. Mgr. Eating in school Is against mhe rule; But Ethel would dare And says she don't care If the teacher does look From over his book. -The Woodland. $40. Pants Satisfaction We have added a complete line of He took her to partles, And used up all hls chink, And w'hen she graduated Hesent no flowers-just think! -Exchange. CLIPPINGS. ·~H~h::I~r:::~~~~:~so~~. En. Mrs. Sibree-"Harry, what was Nero doing while Rome was burning?" Harry-"Sitting on his roof singing, 'A Hot Time in the ore Town To- night.' "-Ex'chrang'e. THE L0'W JUNIOR'S 0'PINION 0'F THE HIGH SCH0'OL. TRY THE P. ROSE I HAT Z FE LD • • • Leaders in High Novelty Dry Goods, both Imported and Domestic. New Novelties arriving daily. PH. HA TZFELD &. CO. 500-502 Congress Avenue.