“ Children are talking about what they ’ re learning because they ’ re so engaged in these digital platforms that it ’ s spilling over into their conversations .”
“ Children are talking about what they ’ re learning because they ’ re so engaged in these digital platforms that it ’ s spilling over into their conversations .”
After reading the book , Ms . Qureshi , Mrs . Ricketts , and Mr . Gallo concluded that blended learning is any formal education program in which a student learns , at least in part through online learning ( with some element of student control over time , place , path , and / or pace ) and through supervised instruction in a brick and mortar school setting . This integrated learning experience is designed to ensure students receive the most effective amount of online instruction , one-on-one instruction , and small group instruction at the appropriate level , according to the group study .
There are several models for blended learning that schools may choose from and adapt as necessary , including rotation , flex , à la carte , and enriched virtual ( see graphic on page 20 ). Based on what Steward currently offers students in terms of online resources and what we desire to improve upon , the group decided that the Steward model is a combination of rotation and enriched virtual — students spend some time accessing resources and learning with online tools , but all students attend face-to-face classes .
“ As a result of our study , we concluded that we will never give up the brick and mortar component of our school ,”
Mrs . Ricketts said . “ At Steward , we embrace the idea of community and being able to form meaningful relationships between teachers and students . We enjoy that face-to-face warmth and feeling of belonging . We also value our athletics and arts programs , for which you can ’ t get the full benefit if you ’ re only offering through a digital platform .”
With this idea in mind , the group worked with Mr . Frank to analyze all the ways Steward is promoting blended learning already . There were a variety of programs in use that students have become accustomed to , such as Accelerated Reader , IXL Math , IXL Language , Spelling City , Newsela , and Quizlet . “ The study helped us realize that we were already using many online tools , and this gave us the opportunity to really look at them , break them down , and see how they are implemented in different ways ,” Ms . Qureshi said . “ It helped us realize that we are on our way there .”
At the same time , the group established that they could incorporate further offerings to benefit students with a strategic approach in mind . For Lower School , it meant the addition of several online programs that allow for personalization for students and involvement with teachers and parents . For Middle and Upper School , it meant the
18 | The Colonnade