Steward offers blended learning education by combining personalized instruction , online capabilities .
There is a distinct shift happening in the world of education . As digital technology increases its presence in most facets of the learning process , academic circles across the nation are considering whether students can receive a quality education strictly online . In fact , it ’ s predicted that by 2019 , half of high school classes will be available online , according to Disrupting Class : How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns by Clayton M . Christensen , Curtis Johnson , and Michael B . Horn .
But what ’ s missing from online-only education ? Many argue that the in-person interactions children receive in school , ranging from sessions with teachers to group projects with peers , and the relationships formed between students and teachers are an essential part of the learning process . This is where the concept of blended learning comes into play .
Though definitions vary based on context , the core idea of blended learning is to combine brick and mortar classrooms with digital technology to give students the best personalized education : meaningful and substantial face-to-face interactions combined with online experiences that allow students to control pace , content , delivery , and location .
Here at Steward , incorporating blended learning into our instructional pedagogy is a cornerstone of our commitment to providing students with the best education possible , and we aim to build on our current integration of the concept to secure our leading position for the future .
During the summer of 2015 , Head of School Dan Frank commissioned Director of Technology Shahwar Qureshi ’ 90 , JK-12 Technology Coordinator Robin Ricketts , and Upper School Innovation Studies teacher Tom Gallo to take part in an in-depth conversation about blended learning and where Steward stands . Each of them read Blended : Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools by Michael B . Horn and Heather Staker , which provided a foundation to understand the base characteristics of the concept .
“ With the availability of online classes , homeschooling is the fastest growing segment in the education space ,” Mr . Frank said . “ To ensure that brick and mortar learning ( and the personal interactions that go along with it ) stays relevant , we must figure out how to grow our program in new ways . Technology is here — it ’ s not going away — and it has the potential to open up incredible opportunities for students as an exceptional means to achieve learning outcomes .”
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