The Coconut Oil Secret PDF / Book Nature's #1 best healing superfood | Page 27
The Indian Department of Medicine conducted a study comparing tradi-
tional cooking oils and fats, such as clarified butter and coconut oil, which
are high in saturated fats, with oils such as safflower and sunflower, which
are mostly polyunsaturated fats. Use of these oils was compared to inci-
dences of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
What was discovered was that as saturated fats were replaced with poly-
unsaturated fats, the rates of heart disease and diabetes went up. The
so-called “heart friendly” oils contain a bad ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to
omega-3 fatty acids. Additional studies have indicated that consumption
of modern vegetable oils can harm one’s health.
A random, double-blind study divided women into two groups: one group
received soybean oil supplements (S) and the other group (C) received
the same amount of virgin coconut oil. Each group was instructed to
follow a balanced diet and walk 50 minutes each day.
The results:
“[After one week,] only group C exhibited a reduction in [waist circumfer-
ence]... Group S presented an increase... in total cholesterol, LDL and
LDL:HDL ratio, whilst HDL diminished... Such alterations were not ob-
served in group C. It appears that dietetic supplementation with coconut
oil does not cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in
abdominal obesity.”
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