Héroes invisibles
2 months later she was on the plane going to Maryland when she landed in Maryland it was freezing. A private car from the university picked her up at the airport and took her to the university. Katie was amazed, after arriving at the university she noticed that obviously, she had some roommates, they were very disorganized and she knew that would affect her disorders. After the proper introductions, they all went on a tour around campus. After seeing all the installations, she wanted to study as soon as possible but it would take 2 weeks before it was all possible. In that period of time, she would research and know more about the specialization that she would select: Endocrinology was the most probable one. She was aware that Endocrinologists treat diabetic patients, so she would be able to find the cure for his mom.
Many years later, when Katie became a doctor, all she could think about was finding a cure for diabetes. As the time passed, she realized that many people came to the clinic with complicated situations that were very difficult to cure; she saw how several of her patients died and how new ones arrived with more complicated diseases. Every day that she spent in the hospital, she met more and more people; she even got to know about their lives and reflected upon all the things they had to go through. Katie had become an excellent doctor, a doctor who helped her patients, and became a wonderful friend by talking to them and listening to their stories the best way that she could.
One day like any other, Katie came to her house very exhausted, she was very sleepy, but loved watching television before going to bed, so she promised herself that she would only watch the headlines. The headlines were quite boring, there was one which said this: "traffic has dropped 0.3 percent from the previous month". Katie was so bored that she was about to fall asleep, but from one moment to another Andrea, the reporter, received breaking news; the recent news was about a certain virus called coronavirus, it had started in China as any virus, but apparently it was spreading throughout the planet. Katie was really scared, her hands were shaking and she couldn't breathe well. The only thing she could think about was "what if that virus reaches my country". After that news, Katie was shocked however it was very late and she had to go to sleep to be able to go to work the next day.