The Clermont School Héroes no visibles | Page 15

Katie is a beautiful girl; she has big and brown eyes, jet black hair, a small nose, and long eyelashes. Her biggest flaw is that she has an obsessive-compulsive disorder. She is a perfectionist and also has neuroticism (emotional instability), but apart from all of these issues she also has great qualities like being positive, charismatic, kind, determined, and most important of all, she inspires safety for her patients. She is now, one of the best endocrinologists in the world, but getting there wasn't so simple; It all started with her father’s death when she was only 2 years old, as she missed him so much, her mother told her stories about him; how he was, what he liked, and many other things related to him. Her passion for medicine got deeper years later when her mom started showing signs of diabetes. When Katie was 5 years old, she promised her mom that she would find a cure so she could be safe and live a normal life.

Since little, Katie was always very successful in her classes, being always number one, she has always loved animals and to help people, so she volunteered at a dog foundation and picked up litter from the street as well as rescuing a dog and cat which were currently her pets. At the moment her pets live with her; the cat is called Lucifer and the Dog is called Mickey (because when she was little, Mickey was her favorite cartoon).

After graduating from school, she wanted to study in the John Hopkins University but it was too expensive, however, Katie had an incredible idea, she knew she could obtain a scholarship, so she decided to take the required tests. Katie had always been intelligent but quite nervous. Her mom knew her very well and was sure that she could do it. After 3 weeks of waiting she had 75% of the scholarships. Her mother was very proud of her, nevertheless, there was a small problem, the university was in Maryland and they lived in California, but in the end, that wouldn't matter, as Katie would find a cure for her mom.

2 months later she was on the plane going to Maryland when she landed in Maryland it was freezing. A private car from the university picked her up at the airport and took her to the university. Katie was amazed, after arriving at the university she noticed that obviously, she had some roommates, they were very disorganized and she knew that would affect her disorders. After the proper introductions, they all went on a tour around campus. After seeing all the installations, she wanted to study as soon as possible but it would take 2 weeks before it was all possible. In that period of time, she would research and know more about the specialization that she would select: Endocrinology was the most probable one. She was aware that Endocrinologists treat diabetic patients, so she would be able to find the cure for his mom.


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