The Civil Engineering Contractor November 2018 | Page 22

ON SITE taken into account protection of a major 300mm-diameter, 6mm-thick, existing Sasol gas pipeline operating at 35 bar pressure. “Motheo is working closely with Sasol and the engineering consultant to protect the pipeline during the construction phase,” says Brink. On-site challenges There are currently 50–60 people working on digging 3 500m of stormwater piping, 1 900m of water pipes, and 2 500m of sewerage pipes. The number of workers is poised to ramp up considerably in the medium term. Helgard Brink, site agent with Motheo Infrastructure (left), with Tinashe Chapwanya, resident engineer with FIJ Consulting. The plan for the 58ha site. 20 | CEC November 2018 Tinashe Chapwanya, resident engineer with FIJ Consulting, explains that as much as 80% of the site is underlain with dolomitic rock, meaning the residential units could not be built over those areas — though he says there is still enough land, given there are large wetland areas to be retained, and also considerable general areas. Dolomitic areas represent a geological condition whereby specific statutory requirements govern the geotechnical investigation, due to the risk of sinkholes forming underground. This was duly undertaken on site and approved by the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC), which reviews geotechnical investigation reports for residential developments. “We are building residential units only on those sections which are not dolomitic — the site has been designed so that the units are built on good, solid earth. The roads, ponds, and trenches will be safely built on the dolomitic areas,” says Chapwanya. There is also a substantial quantity of rock on site. Due to its dolomitic nature, no traditional blasting could take place. Motheo opted to use hydraulic hammers to remove the rock mechanically. Chapwanya adds that there is rock throughout the site, “and all that varies is the level at which it occurs at each location”. Another challenge associated with the site, which at the time of the interview Motheo was still developing a solution for, is construction of the water supply. Municipal supply is not readily available on site and, given the volume of construction water required by the contract, Motheo was exploring the use of recycled and stored rainwater among its options. Motheo has taken good advantage