Now we can put our attention in the core of the movie, the villain, and I advise to all of you that I’m not going to come up with Dracula or a demon because I’m not sure if they’re real or not, but we can replace Dracula with a well-known assassin in the movies Hannibal Lecter, this cannibal is a man from the high society and with a good job, but he had the little habit of eating people, this is partially based on reality and special for make us feel fear, the cannibals are real and they existed even from the stone age, not only in human race, in fact the young walruses eat the oldest ones. And also he is a total sociopath and based on this we could suppose that he suffers a mental sickness called antisocial personality disorder.
Having the theme of the villain clear we can pass to my favorite part of every horror movie, the types of deaths, yes… this is the moment when the assassin catch a victim and kill it obviously. If you have seen movies of the subgenre “slashers” you’d seen that the preferred type of death is used is stabling the victim till he or she bleeds to death despite of the blood we see, the quantity isn’t correct. “The human body has approximately 5 litters of blood, and even if an artery hurt it will take 2 minutes for you to loss the 40% of your blood which are two litters, the horror movie as maximum show us a pair of deciliters” (Montaño, 2016) so we can conclude that the assassinations aren’t so close to the reality, maybe for lessen the trauma.
Based on all we have seen we can set the conclusion that the horror movies use various resources from the reality and also some that aren´t so close to t, we are free to think guess why directors and script writers do what they do. And I have to mention that in all the movies is present the surrealism and the realism at the same time. The ones who make the movie mix those two elements to scare us and also they have to take account of the trigger factors of our survival instinct such as the ones I mentioned before. Concluding, there are so many elements that make that the movie is scary and also to maintain a realistic background or at least make us think so.