Horror movies have been existing since the 20th century. These movies which are inspired by the darkest side of the human beings (including me) always bring us a fright and also the place, the situation and plot makes us feel a chill climbing through our back. But we’ve to face it, series and movies such as “Teen Wolf” or “Twilight” killed the traditional horror. Here I´m going to explain if horror movies are carried out in a relative realistic background.
Horror movies and their relation with reality
Let’s start, firstly why do we have fear to those movies, we know that those movies aren´t real and despite of that when we see a movie we piss, that’s because our brain have the “survival instinct” which makes us fear with some factors, for example, when you were children do you feared to the darkness? Don’t try to lie to yourselves I know (unless I guess) that you feared to the darkness, my friends, it is because in the evolutionary process we learned that the darkness is the perfect hiding place for the predator. Now we know why the monsters are hidden in the darkness waiting for the victim an when he or she distracts BANG they eat the superior part of the victim letting the viewers see the legs unsteadily and finally falling in the ground.