Hannah: Wow that is so true. I could not imagine the world where women owned their husbands. Moving on though, I heard that you are collecting all the beautiful women in the land for your choice on who will be the new queen. Is there anything specific you are looking for in her?
Achashverosh: Well I want her to be beautiful as well as obeying. My last wife got me into trouble... so I want this new wife to stay clear of not listening to my orders.
Hannah: That’s it? Nothing more?
Achashverosh: Oh yeah. I need her to not be of royal descent. But I cannot discuss my reasons why.
Hannah: Maybe you can tell me when the cameras stop rolling.
Achashverosh: I’m sorry. I cannot discuss this with anyone.
Hannah: Oh well it actually looks like we are about to go on break. Thank you sir. It was great having you here today.