The Chocolate Slavery Booklet eVersion | Page 15

2.2 The solution
Fortunately , the solution is much simpler than the causes , and anybody anywhere can partake in working against child slavery . Everybody is needed , and it is never too soon to start changing the world .
The key to solving some of this problem is in a chain reaction :
If consumers change their spending habits to reflect a hatred of the child slave trade , then chocolate companies will start producing more and more non-slave chocolate . As companies stop buying Côte d ’ Ivoire cocoa , the farmers will stop trafficking young people .
That is what Fairtrade chocolate can help you do . By buying certified Fairtrade products , consumers can know that none of the chocolate they eat is coming from farms that benefit from child slavery . The more that consumers demand a change in their chocolate ’ s supply chain , the more larger companies will start to pay attention and see an incentive for change . In addition , many Fairtrade brands put their profits back into the cocoa farms and communities . Instead of supporting child slavery , this chocolate supports education and sustainable farming in nations where children are at a great risk of trafficking .
‘ Transporting slaves in Africa ’, from ‘ Textbook of World History or the History of Humanity ’ by William Rednbacher , 1890 . ( Originally German , ‘ Sklaventransport in Afrika ’ from ‘ Lehrbuch der Weltgeschichte oder Die Geschichte der Menschheit ’.)