The Chocolate Slavery Booklet eVersion | Page 14

2.1 Fairtrade : a way to make difference
Not all trade is fair ! Workers don ’ t always get their fair share of the benefits of trade . Fairtrade is an alternative approach to trading partnerships between producers and consumers . Fairtrade gives producers a considerably better deal with improved , fair terms of trade . This allows them opportunities to improve their lives and their future .
When a product carries the FAIRTRADE Mark it means the producers and traders have met Fairtrade Certification standards .
Look for this certification mark to be sure that your product is Fairtrade Certified .
Consumers can make a significant impact on world slavery just by stopping for a moment and asking themselves how that particular item got to be so cheap . You see a lot of cheap items made in China , for example , and there are serious questions about what happens in Chinese factories . The bottom line is : oftentimes things are cheap because slaves or poorly paid workers helped produce them .
Most people , if they can identify slave-produced goods , would avoid them despite their lower price . By always looking for the best deal , we may be choosing slave-made products without knowing what we are buying . We have reason for hope , though , based on how well most people respond to the challenge of slavery — when they know about it .
Fortunately , there are people who have taken on the task of informing people about the grim reality , and providing them with empowering alternatives .
To learn more about Fairtrade , go to www . fairtrade . net 14