The China Investor Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 12

相比 , 美国的房价相对较低 。 ”
Greg Karns , 位于加利福尼亚州的房地产专业律师事 务所 Cox , Castle & Nicholson 负责环太平洋地区业 务的合伙人 , 对此表示认同 。 Greg 说道 ,“ 中国正试图 弥补浪费的时间 。 美国房地产市场透明 , 而且没有很 多进入壁垒 。 进出市场都很容易 。 ”
中国近期对资金外流的政府管控是否会对投资趋势 产生影响 ?
Karns 表示 :“ 绝大部分人士原以为 2015 年后投资趋势 会有所放缓 。 然后 2016 年出台了新的投资规定 。 我不 明白发生这种变化的原因 。 中国希望将投资多样化 。 目标 , 动力仍然存在 。 ” 国际审计机构 KPMG 的美国 房地产基金负责人 Phil Marra 提出警示 : 流出中国的 资金金额可能会有所减少 。
Phil Marra 表示 :“ 由于外汇限制和中国保险监管机 构的限制规定 , 我们预计从中国流向美国的资金将 会减少 。 但是 , 我们认为美国的外国直接投资需求依 然很大 。 在 2017 财年和以后 , 在中国大陆以外持有资
“ Chinese companies and individuals are looking for stable , high-return overseas investments , and the U . S . real estate market provides these assurances ,” said Robert W . Hsu , associate director of the Asia Society Northern California . “ In addition to strong property rights , the U . S . has a large and sophisticated business and financial sector to facilitate these transactions and the Chinese consider this transparency and expertise as an important part of their decision to come here . While the U . S . real estate market is hot right now , especially in urban locales like SF , NYC and L . A ., for the Chinese , prices in the U . S . are a relative bargain compared with what is available in the mainland and in other cities such as London , Singapore , Tokyo .”
Greg Karns , partner in charge of the Pacific Rim Group for Cox , Castle & Nicholson , a California-based real estate specialty law firm , agreed . “ China is trying to make up for lost time ,” he said . “ The U . S . offers a transparent market with not a lot of barriers to entry . It ’ s easy to get in and easy to get out .”
Will China ’ s recent government controls on capital outflow affect the investment trends ? “ So many thought a slowdown was coming after 2015 . Then came 2016 . I don ’ t see why it would change ,” Karns said . “ China wants to diversify . The objectives , the