THE CHEMIST (e.g. May. 2014) | Page 9

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Sources that supply drinking water in the metropolitan area of Monterrey

In 1993 the dam put in operation On Presa El Cuchillo, with a capacity of storage of 1, 123 billion cubic meters, and account with an aqueduct of 110 kilometers and 2.13 meters of diameter, 5 stations of pumping with a capacity of 45 thousand horsepower. In 1984 it enters operation the Ring of Water transfer, which is a line of conduction of 1.22 and 1.52 meters and 70 kilometers of length, which surrounds the city and has in addition a series of tanks of storage and stations of pumping. The water that is supplied to the Metropolitan Area is extracted from two sources:

Superficial: 60 % of the supply

Underground: 40 % of the supply

Reflection about the consequences of human activity in care and water quality

People in the world is not taking care about the most important nutrient that our body needs. Most of the people don’t care about what experts are saying because they can see in a dam, that it is a lot of water, but they don’t know how many is spent by other people. In the other hand we have industries that contaminate rivers and lakes, they dispose all those dangerous chemicals and radioactive liquids that can kill people. Human activity in water topic needs to be more conscious about how they treat water. Next, if the water ends, they will be crying because nobody took care about the water, including them. Improve our responsibility when using water in the house or wherever you are.