January 2020
s the year draws to a close
and a new year unfolds, it
often provides a time for
people to reflect. Perhaps
people want to start fresh, try some-
thing new, or set a goal. Some might
aim to dedicate 2020 to new adven-
tures, bettering themselves or mak-
ing a change. Whatever your New
Year’s resolution might be, reflect
but don’t forget to continue moving
forward. Below are some New
Year’s resolution submissions from
the Charbonneau community:
“I don’t typically make New Year’s
resolutions, but I think that if pushed
mine would be to STAY HEALTHY in
order to take care of my family.”
— Margie Wiesenthal
“Wake up with a smile on my face
and a good intention for the day!”
— Judy Cain
“My resolution is to try to live more
in the moment, without regrets or
worrying about what might or might
not be coming.”
— Lee Harker
“My resolution is to do whatever I
can do to stop the expansion of the
Aurora Airport.”
— Gary Newbore
“I would like to improve my physi-
cal well being, laugh more, enjoy ad-
ventures with family and friends, re-
duce stress and enjoy life.”
— Kim Hosford
“Here is my golf list: Stop taking
gimmes when offered; putt it out at all
times, take a lesson; nail down the
fundamentals to hit it straight, create
more memories with friends; organize
more golf trips, play more golf at
Charbonneau; make a hole in one.
Here is my personal list: Visit parts of
the Northwestern states that we’ve
never seen before; Cathi, Jasper, me,
canoe, R-pod, fishing rods, and golf
clubs too. I resolve to eat less, buy
less, drink less and TV less (and) read
more, write more, walk more and love
— John McLain
SpringRidge at
SpringRidge residents make
a splash about fi tness
Shirley Treadwell and Sue Hand
didn’t have to think long about one of
the things that initially stood out and
attracted them to SpringRidge at
Charbonneau: the heated, indoor pool!
“My friend moved to SpringRidge
and told me I had to visit and look at the
pool,” explained Shirley, who has lived
at the active retirement community for
almost four months. “When I saw how
large and bright the pool was during a
tour of the community, I was sold! Be-
ing indoor and year-round, it was far
different than the outdoor pool I was
used to in McMinnville.”
Shirley uses the pool “as often as pos-
sible” and is particularly fond of the La-
dies’ Water Exercise class offered Mon-
days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m.
She credits the class, led by Charbon-
neau resident and volunteer fitness in-
structor Helen Heestand, with provid-
ing a full-body workout, helping her to
achieve her fitness goals.
Residents particpate in water aerobics class to stay healthy.
“One of the focuses of the class has
been breathing techniques,” she said,
“I’ve never been taught the importance
of deep breathing exercises, and now I
realize what a difference it makes both
in and out of the pool.”
Participants, known as the “Water
Babies,” are reaping the many docu-
mented health benefits of exercising in
water, including cardiovascular stami-
na, increased blood circulation and im-
proved flexibility and strength.
“Water fitness keeps you mentally
and physically sharp and plays an im-
portant role in longevity,” said Helen.
“We’ve had people who could barely
walk because of a bad knee or back
problems regain their mobility. I enjoy
seeing all the wonderful progress ev-
eryone makes,” said Helen.
Sue, a SpringRidge resident for over
two years, knows firsthand the many
benefits of water aerobics, having partici-
pated in classes for nearly three decades.
“I knew I wanted to continue making
water fitness part of my exercise regi-
men. I really get a good workout when I
go in the pool, and it’s so easy on my
body,” she said. “People don’t realize wa-
ter fitness gives you just as good a work
out as working out on ‘land.’ You burn
calories and sweat though you probably
notice it less since you’re in the water.”
In addition to the physical aspects of
the class, there’s also a social element.
The ladies have developed great friend-
ships with fellow “Water Babies.” The
group recently hosted a holiday party,
and Helen jokes it was so much fun see-
ing everyone in “something other than
their bathing suits.”
The Ladies’ Water Exercise is just one
of the many opportunities for health and
wellness available at SpringRidge. The
“My New Year’s resolution is to
continue to create adventure and em-
brace change, while staying true to
— Clara Howell, Villager editor
“In the new year I’m going to re-
solve to learn how to turn down my
overplanner mechanism and turn up
my fun-o-meter. Is that so much to
— Leslie Pugmire Hole, Wilsonville
Spokesman editor
“In 2020 my goal will be to lower my
health and my golf score numbers!”
— Mike Brown
“Talk less.. listen more (and) fix my
very weak golf game..”
— Jim Donaldson
community offers Aqua Aerobics on
Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the robust
fitness calendar includes everything
from yoga and tai chi to line dancing.
“I’ve never been so spoiled and pam-
pered, nor have I ever had such a vari-
ety with unlimited options for exercise,”
said Shirley. “I attend the Get Fit class
twice a week too. It’s also had a positive
impact on my overall health.”
As people across the country set fit-
ness-related New Year’s resolutions,
Shirley, Sue and Helen encourage older
adults to take charge of their health.
“It’s hard to get started but take the
first step,” advises Helen. “Don’t over-
think it. If you want to try a water aero-
bics class but worry you can’t keep up,
just try it. No one knows what’s happen-
ing under the water if you miss a move
or two.”
Sue concurs: Don’t be intimidated.
Join a class. It will be lots of fun! Join us
for the Ladies’ Water Exercise class.
Don’t be concerned about how you look
in a bathing suit. Our focus is on moving
our bodies and improving our health!
To learn more about SpringRidge at
Charbonneau and our wealth of onsite
fitness options, please call 503-446-6250.
To schedule a personal tour of the
CARF-accredited community or sample
the lifestyle, please visit Spring-