The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2020_April issue_Villager newspaper | Page 9

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 9 April 2020 Boys and Girls Aid By MARGIE WIESENTHAL Crab and Rib Dinner postponed due to coronavirus precautions W e have been in Char- bonneau for 30 years and are part of the Boys and Girls Aid Or- ganization which has been in opera- tion since the late 1800s. Did you know that Mrs. Henry Pittock was one of our early volunteers? Yes, she of the Pittock Mansion fame. She and many others volunteered time and resources over the years. In the Wilsonville area over 100 of us are members of the Cypress Branch to help the boys and girls in need of good foster care placement and adoption. As of this writing (March 12) Gov. Kate Brown has issued a ban on all gatherings over 250 people. We are honoring that and POSTPONING the Crab and Rib Dinner in order that folks in our area remain healthy and strong. This is a difficult decision but the welfare of our neighbors is like the welfare of all the children Boys and Girls Aid serves. The decision from Boys and Girls Aid Headquarters came from Dr. Suzan Huntington, our CEO and president. Due to this incon- venience we will be issuing tax re- ceipts for all tickets purchased at 100% deductions. We expect that the dinner will be held in the summer (no crab, of course) with something fun and unique — just wait. It will be amazing. On March 26, several of the women of the Charbonneau branch assembled Easter baskets for girls and boys. Yes, there were some boys who received their special boy’s Easter baskets. These are for children served by Boys and Girls Aid of Portland. Some of these children have experienced the harshest of upbringing and none of them have ever had an Easter basket. They will be absolutely thrilled. Don’t breathe a word about this, the baskets are a surprise! On Feb. 29, the Wilsonville Rotary Heart of Gold Event was held at the Holiday Inn in Wilsonville. At that event Dianne and Jake McMichael were named The First Citizens of the Year. Jake has been very active in The Rotary Club of Wilsonville for years. Dianne has been a member of Boys and Girls Aid for a number of years and is a past president of the Cypress Branch of Boys and Girls Aid here in Charbonneau. Among other things she has, for several years, or- ganized the purchase and assembly of the 30 sports bags we give each Christmas to boys served by Boys and Girls Aid. We are all very proud of the McMichaels. ANXIETY PREVENTION & REDUCTION STRATEGIES Behaviors that can help you during this unprecedented time by increasing your psychological well being and bolstering your immune system. • Exercise regularly • Get adequate sleep Praying and Wishing you and your loved ones well. • Practice mindfulness • Spend time in nature • Employ relaxation techniques when stressed Lynda us a Charbonneau resident licensed in the State of Oregon. She is available to help you with all your Real Estate needs.. Lynda Huber Real Estate Consultant/Broker Equity Oregon Real Estate 503-422-5617 Your Charbonneau Neighbor in Real Estate Custom Designed Kitchens & Bathrooms “We build cabinets the old fashion way!” Noah Built the Ark without a computer. Remodeling: Our Specialty Customer Service: Our Priority Call to Schedule Your Free Estimate 503-266-2458 COURTESY PHOTO The Easter basket assembly. 24582 S. Barlow Road, Canby CCB# 95273