The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2020_April issue_Villager newspaper | Page 10
April 2020
New pavilion on track to be
completed in May
covered area with a fire-
place, a mini kitchen and
beautiful landscaping that
will accommodate floral
arrangements are just some of the
features of the new clubhouse pavil-
ion that is slated for completion in
May — just in time for the warmer
The upscale outdoor area that can
easily accommodate 150 guests will be
a perfect addition to the Charbonneau
Country Club when the Charbonneau
Golf Club wants to host tournaments
and events, or if community members
want to book the space for weddings or
other celebratory events, according to
Golf Club President Joe Brouillette.
The pavilion, which will be 3,300
square feet of covered space on the pa-
tio outside of the CCC, will largely ben-
efit the golf club by bringing in addi-
tional revenue from folks who reserve
the pavilion and the space inside the
CCC to host weddings, tournaments
and other events.
“The pavilion will be a great asset to
the entire community,” said Charbon-
neau resident Lindy Anderson, who is
in charge of wedding bookings. “It’s a
wonderful money-making idea for the
golf course.”
Joe said a couple years ago, the golf
A digital rendering of the new pavilion that is being constructed.
club was having ongoing discussions
with the CCC about how to best serve
the community with a shared vision of
keeping the golf course operating be-
cause of the impact it has on property
values in the area.
The thought was that by having an
outdoor space, it would be more attrac-
tive for people who wanted to book
events during the warmer months.
The 30-year license agreement gives
the golf club use of the entire facility,
with preferential reservation status. It
allows people to use the pavilion as
well as the entire country club to host
events as needed.
The CCC has a full kitchen, bar, fire-
place and ample floor space.
For the pavilion’s construction, Joe
said the most attractive builder was
Milroy Golf Systems, a company that
also built the golf club’s warm-up fa-
The golf club entered into a
$462,000 contract with the company
in December.
“We know their work; we know it’s
high quality,” said Joe, adding that it
will cost closer to $500,000 because
they ran into infrastructure and engi-
neering challenges.
The pavilion is being designed by
the Portland architecture firm, Water-
leaf Architecture, which also designed
the warm-up facility according to Joe.
In addition to building a wooden
cover, improvements were done to the
area and cracked sidewalks were re-
placed around the space.
The pavilion and other improve-
ments are expected to be completed
between May 1 and May 15, subject to
weather and other circumstances.
“It will be covered obviously and it
will be a very nice facility, very up-
scale facility,” Joe said. “It opens up an
area that the golf club can use for wed-
dings and for tournaments, for other
events that generate revenue for the
golf club.
“The community can use it for all
kinds of activities ... For events, for
concerts. I think the CCC intends to
have some weekly events there that
are open to the community — maybe
they are concerts or cookouts.”
Joe added that this is just one ex-
ample that demonstrates how the golf
club and CCC have worked together
with a shared vision and that it’s evi-
dence that the two entities can do
more for the community if they work
If people are interested in booking
the space for weddings or other events,
Lindy said to contact her at 503-784-
9645 or by email at andersonlindy@ for questions, prices and/
or a site tour.
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