The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2020_April issue_Villager newspaper | Page 28

28 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER April 2020 PAID ADVERTISMENT Keep Your Cool During Trying Times with A Reverse Mortgage The current state of affairs has caught us all by surprise and most are unpre- pared. This pandemic has many of us shel- tering in place for weeks without enough food, medicines and supplies and  many stores sold out of  necessities. Seniors have been identified as especially vulner- able during this outbreak and should take extra precautions. Many older people live paycheck to paycheck or are on a fixed income and cannot afford to stock up on their often expensive medicines and sup- plies to get them through a long stretch of isolation.  Many studies outline that seniors are facing very high rates of economic insecu- rity. From the Grantmakers in Aging web- site: “Roughly 25 million Americans aged 60+ are economically insecure—living at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level ($29,700/year for an individual in 2016). These older adults face a daily struggle to pay for out-of-pocket medi- cal expenses, utility bills, food, housing, and transportation costs. Even for those seniors who live above the poverty level, one major adverse life event—such as a job loss, health crisis, or foreclosure—can plunge them into poverty. The challenge of serving these vulnerable older adults will only rise over the next decade, as the total number of economically inse- cure seniors will increase to 28 million by 2020.”(Bauer, In ad- dition to not being able to afford to stock up, a lack of mobility, transportation and assistance holds many back from self-suf- ficiency. Budgets are tight, health has taken some dings, and many are feeling alone and afraid. So, how can a reverse mortgage help? A reverse mortgage allows a person 62 or older to access their home equity as cash to use for whatever they want and requires no monthly mortgage pay- ments. Thousands of seniors have used reverse mortgages to pay off their cur- rent mortgage, eliminating their month- ly mortgage payments for life; allowing them more financial security in retire- ment. The GIA website explains further: “Homeownership, once the cornerstone of economic security, has become a source of stress and debt. A majority of older adults have unsustainable housing costs, with 59% of older renters and 33% of homeown- ers with mortgages spending more than 30% of their income on housing costs. Growing numbers of older homeowners face foreclosure, while Baby Boomers are increasingly tapping into their home eq- uity to help fund their pressing financial needs.” (Bauer, In addition to paying off the current mortgage with a reverse mortgage refi- nance, many seniors are unlocking the additional benefit of a reverse mortgage line of credit. With the line of credit, you have the option to access cash anytime, for anything- with no monthly mortgage payments. This line of credit can grow over time- giving you access to more funds as time goes on. Once the line of credit is open, it remains open for life if funds are available. Another benefit of the reverse mort- gage is the peace it can bring to families who worry about their elders struggling to make ends meet. When they have ac- cess to more cash flow, they can finally afford the things they need like caregiv- ers, personal shoppers, cleaning services, meal service, landscapers and other peo- ple who provide much needed services that make life easier and more pleasant for older adults. The family can rest as- sured knowing that their parents and/or grandparents have the funds they need to make it through. Reverse mortgage’s carry the addi- tional benefit of providing housing secu- rity in the event of lost income or a spouse passing away. Many folks worry their spouse won’t be able to afford to make ends meet without their income, but the reverse mortgage can put those worries at ease. With a reverse mortgage, you get to stay in the home for life with no loan balance due until the last borrower leaves the home. There are many benefits to a reverse mortgage refinance that people 62 and old- er are taking advantage of every day, in- cluding supplementing retirement during uncertain economic times. As you prob- ably experienced, there has been much volatility in the stock market recently due to economic uncertainty across the globe. While time may allow for those retire- ment accounts that were hit the hardest to recover, for many seniors, time is not a luxury they can afford. Home equity ac- cess through a reverse mortgage might be the ideal solution to supplement lost retirement funds. There is a myriad of ways people are using the reverse mortgage to take control of their retirement. During this stressful time of fear, worry and isolation for our own safety, please know that access to more cash may be just a phone call away. We are ready and able to go through the entire loan process through the mail and over the internet with minimal to no con- tact with other humans. Your security is our priority and financial security plays a huge part in your wellbeing. Call Jeff Foody at Northwest Reverse Mortgage to- day to discuss how you can take control of your cash flow today and put some of your worries at ease.  Jeff Foody MLO 253303 6XKYOJKTZGTJ2UGT5LéIKX 503-427-1667