The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2020_April issue_Villager newspaper | Page 27

THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER 27 April 2020 Charbonneau Women’s Golf Association “backyards” with such skill and care, so that every golf experience is a tes- tament to “Earth Day every day.” Season openers will be affected by coronavirus limitations By CATHI MCLAIN April signals a new season of golf in Charbonneau A s I write this, it’s early March and I’m still recov- ering from jet lag from our annual trip to Hawaii and the added issue of switching to Daylight Savings Time. The sunshine is so brilliant I’m almost tempted to head out for an- other day of golf, until I notice the frost on the green outside the win- dow and the 35 degree temperature! But with trees blooming and start- ing to leaf-out, and days getting lon- ger, it won’t be long till we can re- peat the joy of stepping out and playing in warm weather and the ca- maraderie of CWGA golf. And yes, April signals the start of a new season of golf at Charbonneau and the month in which we cele- brate Earth Day. For me, living on our beautiful golf course, every day is Earth Day. Sea- sonal changes seem more glorious with the course for a backyard, espe- cially in spring, when the trees and shrubs are in bloom and bright new leaves are exploding everywhere. We celebrate the skills of the main- tenance staff for their environmental stewardship as they maintain our CHARBONNEAU VI LL AG ER VOL. 42, NO. 2 Q FEBRUARY Q CHARBONNE AU, OREGON 2019 PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT NO. 32 Our 2020 season plans are still be- ing tweaked as the board wrestles with decisions as to what to do and when, in an effort to keep our mem- bers safe and healthy. With coronavirus causing clo- sures everywhere, our own sched- ules are still fluid. We expect to play opening day golf on April 9, but as of this writing, the breakfast may be canceled. Please watch for email up- dates on all CWGA activities. Be sure to sign up by April 2 in the club room to assure your place for golf. Remember, throughout the sea- son, if the weather is bad, or you are unable to play for any reason, please contact the Pro Shop to cancel. Don’t just assume it doesn’t matter. Cancellations mean that four- somes may need to be adjusted, and if they’re not alerted, the Pro Shop has no way of knowing they need to make adjustments. CWGA’S monthly winter Lun- cheons, coordinated by Jean Czubin, Maryanna Wiese and Pat Struck- man, have been a wonderful suc- cess, despite having to cancel the fi- nal event March 19 due to COVID-19 concerns. New app is a must! In earlier articles we have men- tioned the new USGA GHIN mobile app for posting scores with the new World Handicapping System. I got an early taste of it during my recent travels to Hawaii and can honestly say, it is “the bomb!” It’s a free download to your smartphones, and if you need your GHIN number to get started, you’ll find the list posted in the club room. Since we will now need to post hole- by-hole scores, rather than just the total, it might seem cumbersome, but the app is set up for it, moving directly from hole to hole. It automatically does the math for each hole (net double bogey plus handicap) and computes the total. If you miss a hole as you go, it’s easy to back up and make the cor- rection. Our handicaps will be up- dated daily, so it’s important to post immediately after play. The Scoring Committee will post Day’s Play, but you must post any other time you play. You can still use the club room computer or your home computer, but this app is so fast and easy to use, I highly recommend it. CWGA website is information central Sue Oberg, and web trainee Cathi McLain, urge you to refer to the CWGA website for updated informa- tion on schedules, meeting minutes, copies of Villager articles, and an online copy of the membership ros- ter. The latter is password protected but you can contact Sue or Cathi for the magic word. CWGA.golfchar- Good luck for a successful and fun season of golf at Charbonneau. And may you always “hit it far and sure!” . ADVERTISE IN THE VILLAGER! — Page 2 Thank you, Cindy! — Page 10 Singles club goes all female — Page 15 Contact Jesse Marichalar Changes for board nominations Plus Event Calendar, all club reports and more! Published by With love in their hearts — Page 6 The Charbonneau Golf Club is open as of the Villager’s press deadline. See notice be- low: We are stringently follow- ing these safety precautions for your protection Mandatory/strictly en- forced: Q One rider per rental cart Q Credit card payments on- ly Q Must always stay 6 feet apart Q Practice facility is closed Q Rental pull cart use is prohibited Other precautions include: Q All rakes have been re- moved from bunkers Q All cups and flags have been raised; no one will have to touch the cup/flag at any- time Q Ball washers have been bagged for no use Q All rental cart surfaces are being washed with bleach solution Q Pencils and scorecards have been removed Q Couples living in the same household can use their pri- vate cart and ride together We will update these poli- cies as necessary Reach every resident in Charbonneau. Inside the Villager New year, new management — Page 8 Charbonneau Golf Club remains open JON HOUSE PAMPLIN MEDIA GROUP PHOTO: 971-204-7774 [email protected]