The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2020_April issue_Villager newspaper | Page 20

20 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER Charbonneau Men’s Club By JOHN MCLAIN Men’s Club cancels large indoor group meetings due to coronavirus “This is no time to panic, Woody.” “This is the perfect time to panic, Buzz!” — Toy Story At the time of MCLAIN writing this arti- cle (March 11) the news is full of the coronavirus pan- demic. Most of our Men’s Club mem- bers are with Buzz from Toy Story while some are with Woody. The im- portant point is that both Buzz and Woody end up acting as a team to take action and get things done. The Men’s Club Board has acted with an abundance of caution in taking sever- al actions for March and April golf and social events. In summary, we will play outdoor golf events, while canceling indoor social and educa- tional events for March and April. We will monitor the issue and have further Buzz and Woody discussions on what to do regarding May and June scheduled golf and social events. Indoor events are canceled for March and April The coronavirus pandemic is in the news and on our minds at the Men’s Club. In the best interests of the com- munity of Charbonneau, the Men’s Club will play golf events outside as scheduled on the website, but will avoid large group meetings indoors. Q The pandemic is expected to get worse, before it gets better. Oregon is April 2020 years, in order to improve the golfing lagging behind Washington and Cali- fornia, but will likely catch up as time and social experience of major passes. events. Q We are an above average age Q The sign-up book will be on the group, at higher risk than most. counter above the Men’s Club drawer Q “Social distancing in enclosed fa- (i.e. sign-up for major catered event cilities” is an appropriate preventive will not be through the Pro Shop action to take early in the pandemic. staff). Many conferences and sports events Q Player(s) sign up and payment have been canceled, and more cancel- for the event must be done seven ations are expected to follow. days prior to the event. Q Our March and April indoor so- Q The payment is by check only, cial events are relatively easy to re- using payment envelopes (if neces- schedule; they are not associated sary to include a description or in- with a holiday such as the upcoming structions) in the club room and put- May’s Memorial Day event. ting them in the Men’s Club drawer. So, the indoor social events for Q All players must sign up and pay March and April are canceled, while by the drop-dead date (seven days). we will continue to play golf events No exceptions due to catering re- as scheduled and shown on the web- quirements to know numbers ahead site. Indoor events affected are: of time. Q March 18, new members meeting The checks should be made out to (play golf, but not a meeting) CMC (Charbonneau Men’s Q March 21, Rules of Golf Club). The Golf Genius crew Workshop (canceled; will be Call the CCC at sets up the game and sends a rescheduled to future date) 503-694-2300 tee sheet to Pro Shop — then for event Q April 4, Kick-off Free after scoring the results, they Breakfast (play golf, but no confirmation will send payouts for the win- breakfast meeting) ners (i.e. store credits) to Chris This action is taken out of Bensel. an abundance of caution for For all other (non-catered) events our members and the community at (regular play days for nine or 18 large. The social and educational holes), there will be a sign-up book in events will be rescheduled to later in the club room of the Pro Shop. the year. We will continue to monitor the progress of the pandemic to de- Member directory for 2020 termine whether there is any further The Men’s Club will soon print the action to be taken on the major in- 2020 member directory, which will be door events in May and June. available in the club room at the Pro Shop. The club has over 200 members New sign-up processes for Men’s as of March 11. The directory will Club events in 2020 have the schedules of events for 18 All sign-ups for Men’s Club events holes, nine holes, as well as contact will be on sign-up sheets in the club information of the members. room (not the Pro Shop). For catered events, there will be a Website updated for 2020 new process for signing up and mak- The Men’s Club website is ing payments (includes couples’ The content on the events, Men’s Night Out). This pro- website has been reviewed and up- cess does not apply to events such as dated for the 2020 season. Game de- regular play days, and major events scriptions, policies, schedules, flyers, “without a catered breakfast, lunch, and standings are available for ev- or dinner.” This process does require eryone. Member contact is also avail- an “earlier cut-off” date than in past able (fore123 password) and will be updated on a regular basis. Please re- port/reply if information needs re- view or revision. Men’s Club Board The Charbonneau Men’s Club now has 205 active members. This has in- creased in past years as the golf sea- son progresses. The board has been busy and is near completion of the golf schedule and games for both the 18-hole play days and the 9-hole play days. Caterers have been scheduled for the major events. Rules and poli- cies are being reviewed and updated. More people are being trained on Golf Genius software to do the scor- ing of game day events. Everything will be finalized soon so we can print the member directory to be passed out at the kick-off golf event April 4. Work has also begun on getting ready for the Invitational Tourna- ment. Dates, times, and places of board meetings All meetings are in the Charbon- neau Country Club lounge at 2:30 p.m. unless noted: April 14 (5:30 p.m.), May 12, June 9, July 14, Aug. 11, Sept. 8 (5:30 p.m.), Oct.13, Nov. 10, Dec. 8. Upcoming major events Q Apr. 4, Kick-off golf event — Sign up in the club room of the Pro Shop for “Golf Only.” The free breakfast has been canceled and will be re- scheduled to a later date. Q April 14, Mobile Devices & Men’s Club Website — Held in the Charbon- neau Country Club lounge. Workshop starts at 7:15 p.m. Bring your mobile devices (phones, pads, and laptops). John McLain and others will help you “go mobile” to get the most current information from the Men’s Club Website: event flyers, schedules, golf results, news, special reports, social and educational events. To sign up (drop-ins are welcome), contact John McLain at ([email protected] or 503-799-2527).