The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Oct issue Villager newspaper | Page 2
October 2019
Top Right, caption CCC President’s
— Mary Fieweger’s pink bra hangs on a clothesline By KATHY HARP
in the backyard of her house along the Red Course
during the event. Three new faces on the Board
Top Left, caption — Penny Kirk sells It has been a time
of change for our
CCC Board of Direc-
tors. Last month I
reported that three
board members had
resigned for very
different reasons.
This month I am happy to report
that three new board directors have
joined our Board. We are grateful
for their willingness to serve their
community at a time when many
decisions are being contemplated
for our future. We had six amazing
applicants for three positions.
cookies donated by Whim Studios during the annual
Pink Ball Tournament in Charbonneau.
Bottom Right, caption —
Charbonneau residents place pink items in their yard in
honor of the Pink Ball Tournament.
Bottom Left, caption
Community members gathered at the Country Club
during the Pink Ball tournament.
Thank you to all of you who
stepped up to serve our community.
The new members going forward
with us are Gene Tish, John
McLain, and Gary Newbore.
Also, as I mentioned previously, we
are asking our community to get ac-
tively involved in our CCC commit-
tees. A HUGE thank you to Sandy
Batte for stepping up to chair our
Emergency Preparedness Committee
and also thanks to Jerry Baker for
volunteering to assist her. Another
HUGE thank you to Wayne Richards,
who is now heading our Civic Affairs
Committee. Also, many thanks to
those residents who have stepped for-
ward to help Sandy and Wayne con-
tinue these very important commit-
tees. We are all grateful for every vol-
unteer who helps in any way in our
community. There is
so much expertise here in Charbon-
neau — together we will ensure Char-
bonneau continues to be an amazing
place to live — not only in the few
years ahead, but also for generations
who will follow us.
As an update on the Annex, Bob
Beauchemin, who was originally hired
last year to be our owners representa-
tive, is continuing that role moving
forward. We are anticipating three
phases: demolition of the old restau-
rant building, forming a task force to
work out costs, design details and out-
reach to the community, and finally
construction. We plan to have our
community actively involved in our
task force phase. There will be more
information on this in the months
ahead. Demolition could begin as ear-
ly as the end of October.
Our CCC Board has been meeting
at least twice a month for the past sev-
eral months to work through our An-
nex decisions and a variety of other
community concerns. This commit-
WilsonvilleStage welcomes guest director Aaron Morrow for ‘Sylvia’
nyone who has owned
a dog knows that they
can turn your life
upside down. Middle-
aged New Yorker Greg finds this
out first-hand when he comes
across a large dog in the park,
only identified by a heart-shaped
dog tag reading “Sylvia.” Taking
a fancy to her, with no owner in
sight, Greg decides that she’ll be
a great addition to his and his
wife Kate’s empty-nester life.
But, upon meeting Sylvia, it
becomes clear that Kate is not a
dog person.
At odds, Sylvia becomes a
source of tension in the couple’s
22-year marriage, with a clueless
and doting Greg becoming more
attached to Sylvia and Kate
growing pettier and more
competitive with the dog by
the day.
“Anyone who has ever owned a
pet (especially dogs) will love how
richly and humorously A.R.
Gurney has created Sylvia, the
titular canine,” director Aaron
Morrow said. “Anyone that has
been in a loving relationship with
another will connect with the
realness of Kate and Greg’s wit
and relationship; and then there is
the broad and wickedly funny
humor of the individual actor that
plays Tom, Phyllis, and Leslie to
meld together the rest.”
Running for a total of nine
shows over three weekends,
Morrow said that directing A.R.
Gurney’s critically acclaimed
comedy has been a bucket list item
of his since playing Greg a few
years ago at Gallery Theater in
“Sylvia has a little something for
everyone to connect with,” Morrow
said. “It is a guaranteed
opportunity to laugh, and to maybe
shed a tear or two.”
For tickets, a full synopsis, and
venue information, go to and stay
tuned to WilsonvilleStage’s official
Facebook page for updates
and sneak-peeks.
A Publishing Partnership...
The Charbonneau Villager is a joint publishing partnership between the Charbonneau County Club
and the Pamplin Media Group.
Advertising contact
Jesse Marichalar [email protected] | 971-204-7774
J. Brian Monihan Leslie Pugmire Hole Clara Howell
Publisher Editor Villager Editor
bmonihan@ lhole@ chowell@
Kim Stephens
503-479-2377 [email protected]
Jesse Marichalar Rick Fryback
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Have an idea for a story?
We want to hear about it. Leslie Pugmire Hole [email protected] | 503-479-2377
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