The Charbonneau Villager Newspaper 2019 Nov issue Villager | Page 18

18 THE CHARBONNEAU VILLAGER November 2019 sion. Bruce is still rated a 5.0 player and competes in the North Oregon USTA Leagues. Coach Bruce is in his 20th year as a USPTA Certified Pro. Many of those years he has served as the director of tennis. He has been the director for Club Green Meadows, Cascade Athlet- ic Club and The Walla Walla Country Club. Since 2015 Coach Bruce has been a valued tennis professional with The Stafford Hills Club. More recently, Coach Bruce took up pickleball and quickly became inter- ested in playing and coaching the game. He is now a IPTPA Certified Pickleball Teaching Professional and tournament player. Coach Bruce is en- dorsed by Adidas Tennis and Wilson Tennis and Pickleball. Bruce and his beautiful wife, LeeAnn Reed, are a Gold Medal winning Mixed Doubles Pickleball Team called the “Power Couple.” They have five wonderful children between them and live happi- ly in Lake Oswego. Charbonneau Tennis Club By STEVE HALL In the October Vil- lager, I mentioned that our long time Tennis Pro Craig Koessler had re- signed and that we HALL were starting to look for a replacement. I am happy to announce that we have hired another high profile, high en- ergy and quality tennis pro in Bruce Reed. Bruce has already started conducting clinics and private les- sons and we are happy to have him aboard. The following is a descrip- tion of his background: Coach Bruce Reed brings a wealth of experience as a competitive player and professional coach that spans over three decades. His passion for tennis began at the age of 10 in Walla Walla where his dad, Gary Reed, put him into a tennis camp at Whitman College. A high-level, multi-sport ath- lete, Bruce excelled in both tennis and basketball in high school, college and the pro-am level. His collegiate tennis accomplishments include winning the NWAACC Championships with Walla Walla Junior College and then being the No. 1 player for Western Washing- ton University where he was ranked in the top 10 of Collegiate NAIA Divi- sion 1. Bruce has since won many open and 5.0 tournaments including the 2005 Hawaii Pacific Open Singles Championship. In 2008 Bruce was ranked No. 1 in the PNW age 40+ Divi- Outdoor membership including pickleball COURTESY PHOTO The Charbonneau Tennis Club welcomes coach Bruce Reed. Charbonneau Library Last April, we announced that we were implementing a new low-cost membership for Charbonneau resi- dents for the use of our outdoor facili- ties. The outdoor membership includ- ed tennis and pickleball and was im- plemented on a trial basis. The pur- pose was to better utilize the outdoor courts and to offer pickleball to the Charbonneau community. The trial was successful, and we are happy to announce that the outdoor member- ship will be integrated into the tennis club’s product line in 2020. More de- tails will follow in the December newsletter. Visit the Charbonneau “Cubby Hole” Library located in the CCC Clubhouse. Come and enjoy books donated by Charbonneau residents. No check-out ƐLJƐƚĞŵ͕ƐŝŵƉůLJĮŶĚŬƐLJŽƵǁĂŶƚƚŽƌĞĂĚĂŶĚƚĂŬĞƚŚĞŵŚŽŵĞǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͘ ƌŝŶŐďĂĐŬLJŽƵƌŬƐǁŚĞŶĮŶŝƐŚĞĚŽƌĚŽŶĂƚĞŶĞǁŽŶĞƐ͘ tĞĂůƐŽŚĂǀĞ͗ŵĂŐĂnjŝŶĞƐ͕ũŝŐƐĂǁƉƵnjnjůĞƐ͕ĂƵĚŝŽŬƐĂŶĚŵŽǀŝĞƐ͊KƉĞŶ ǁŚĞŶĞǀĞƌƚŚĞŚĂƌďŽŶŶĞĂƵůƵƵƐĞŝƐŽƉĞŶ͘